Re: Need help dealing with Impact of NPD mom. by lola127 ..... Narcissism/Sociopathy Survivors Forum
Date: 10/16/2008 11:16:02 AM ( 17 y ago)
Hits: 7,198
Hi seeme3
I can understand your problem, if you read my previous post you will understand why!
I do not know how old you are, probably younger than me, but please don't spend any more time thinking that this is your fault. From my own experience my mother's behaviour has not got any better, she just moves the goalposts so I have never felt that I have her approval.
The advice that I would offer you is to look after yourself first and foremost and if your decisions do not suit your mom be strong and stick to your guns.With regards to your relationships with men, realise you deserve someone who treats you well and I am sure that given time you will meet the right person. You may have to consciously change some of your behaviour, I think that I previously I was scared of being emotionally close to someone in case they rejected me and therefore "chose"the wrong people to be involved with who rejected me anyway.I did meet someone and have been happily married for 20 years but it has taken a lot of understanding on his part.
Don't try and win your mother over any more,spend your time with family and friends who treat you the way you deserve and keep away from those who bring you down. Concentrate on all the good things in your life and keep contact with your mom to a minimum. I have just written a letter to my parents about the events I posted, taking into account the kind words from fledgling, but made it quite clear that I will not be treated this way any more. I wish that I had done this sooner, but like most people you hope they will change but sadly as many before have realised that is not what happens with these people.
I really understand how you feel and you will probably always be hurt by your mom's actions, but don't let her treatment of you prevent you finding the happiness you deserve.
Lastly , you have not mentioned your Dad, or any siblings. Do you have family who are ther for you?
Take care, Lola
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