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Desperate... by #68716 ..... Liver Flush Support Forum

Date:   10/12/2008 4:15:30 AM ( 17 y ago)
Hits:   2,977

I have huge trouble getting Liver Flushing to work for me.

I've been flushing for 4 years (!) now, I think. Probably 60-70-80+ flushes. I don't count.

Now I flush every week, but in 80% of cases there are hardly any stones at all. 10% seem to be really successful and 10% are marginal successes.

I'm so f***ing sick of this shit because I have lots of symptoms related to Gallstones and liver stones . I know Liver Flushing is the answer, but it just won't work for me. Between the successful flushes my symptoms seem to get so much worse that I'm actually getting sicker and sicker long term, despite the occassional success.

A few times I've gotten a string of successful flushes which has markedly improved my symptoms and given me hope that I have "figured things out". But then there will be failed flush upon failed flush again, leaving me desperate and lost.

I REALLY need this to start working. It is the most important thing in my life, and I'm at the point of considering suicide if I can't fix this. It's that bad. Maybe this is hard to understand, but I've been telling myself for YEARS that things will be better in "6 months" or even 12 months, but they aren't. It's not for a lack of trying either.

I live a very healthy lifestyle: work out 3 times a week, eat natural whole foods, lots of vegetables and fruit, get enough sleep, don't drink or smoke or take any drugs. And yet, all that isn't helping my health as much as I know Liver Flushing could, IF IT WOULD JUST WORK.

Right now I pretty much do standard HC flushes every week, which fail almost completely every time (no stones). I have tried variations, and they have rarely worked. The HC flushes themselves have been successful sometimes in the past. I'm thinking the problem could be more related to congestion than the actual flush protocol, but I'm not sure.

The bottom line is that nothing works CONSISTENTLY, so I can't figure out what to keep doing.

Here are some things I have tried:

* Apple juice (worked for a while, then stopped working)
* Malic acid capsules (worked for a short while, then stopped working)
* Grapefruit juice or lemon juice (I have had successes with both, but most often they both fail)
* Adding ACV to the OO (Olive-Oil) mixture (only tried a few times, but no effect that I could tell)
* Taking gold coin grass from (worked very well for a while this spring, then stopped working alltogether. I still take it)
* Taking the other herbs from sensiblehealth (coptis, chinese bitters, curcuma). I take these currently with little effect.
* Lying on my back, left side, right side or stomach. Everything has worked sometimes, but most often fails regardless.
* Lying on the side with my legs pulled up towards my chest. No effect.
* Lying perfectly still or not (no difference)
* Chanca piedra (only took a small bottle of this as it was terribly expensive. No effect)
* Changing the timing a bit. I thought this had an effect, but then stopped working so I went back to the standard protocol.

I just don't know what to do anymore. I must have dumped $1500 or more into this already, with no end in sight. The money isn't the problem though, but the suffering I go through every day from not being able to cure this.

As I said, I doubt a change of protocol would make much of a difference, since what I'm doing has worked occassionally. I rather think it's a problem of too many stones or the stones being too tightly packed to come out or something.

Well, I don't really expect anyone to present a solution. But this beats me and I guess I'm hoping some of you have gone through the same and gotten it to work somehow.

Thanks for reading this admittedly long post.

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