Keloids (large thick scars on the skin). Rub on daily, full strength. In 3 months they will be softer, flatter and maybe gone.
Sebaceous cysts of the skin (chest, neck, behind the ears, filled with cheesy, smelly build up skin trapped inside, like a giant "whitehead" ): rub on daily, the earlier the better.
oil-gland cysts on the labia, of women with : rub on daily: early and long, and forestall the need or local surgical drainage. (now imagine if you took your drops all the time, and never got these situations)
Traveling: put 2 drops in each liter of your water -- inactivates fungi, bacteria, and viruses in one minute.
Air-travel: use it before flight, and during: will inhibit the mucous secretions and is anti-infective for the microbes re-circulating in the air.
Bladder infection: clear it up with 10 drops 3-4 times daily! I hear you shouting... try it and let me know!.
Salivary duct stones (under the tongue, glands that make your saliva): they disappear with continuous use. (so....... looks like kidney stones might too, but he makes no claim for that as he has not had a case to try it long enough..... think prevention, however. You know ho you are... get started right now!
Ovarian problems: concentrates in the thyroid first, but then in the ovary. Evidence is that getting the thyroid right, makes the ratios of the three estrogen hormones balance. Remember the chart I gave you? Look at it again. Now, if iodide , as seen above, stops cysts, maybe ovarian cysts are due to a lack of it... hum?
Breast cysts, fibrocystic disease: well known to reverse these cysts in sometimes a 1/2 day! Rub on, or paint inside the vagina with it for fast absorption. Better still, take it in your water daily, as suggested so long ago. Why would you want surgery?
Cancer: said to be "intriguing clues that it is preventative" as it turns cysteines into cystine. Go study your detox. It promotes the formation of disulfides, and that is one reason you are taking some MSM (for sulfur)... so
Skin: with iodine drops, it gets smoother , less wrinkled, and less scarred. For message. Rub in SSKI with DMSO in a 1:1 mixture, then follow with message oil.
For herpes eruptions: use the same SSKI:DMSO mixture. Stops it, starts it to heal
Recto-vaginal fistula, or just rectal fistulae: same thing. May heal in 3 days.
Atherosclerosis: a. old rabbit experiment (the Anitschow study) -- feeding oxidized cholesterol kills 'em, but giving iodide at the same time, saves 'em. Still, don't eat oxidized cholesterol, have it fresh. Remember your cell membranes and brain and sterol hormones, need cholesterol. If your serum cholesterol is high, look at fixing your bowel lining first. b. Russian research shows iodine lowers cholesterol c. ophthalmologist in Cincinnati showed with retinal photographs that when taken several months, iodide will improve plaque in retinal arteries (back of the eyes, what we see when we peer in with the light). Again solubilizing cholesterol. d. cholesterol will not dissolve in plain water, but adding iodide will make it so into solution.
Infections of hangnails, ingrown toenails, fungus plaques, etc.: mix 1 oz. flax seed oil, 20 drops SSKI. Or, use the DMSO, SSKI mixture 1:1 on fungus under the nail for 8 -10 months 2 x daily.