Broken Tooth by Ali Cossack ..... Ask Barefoot Herbalist
Date: 10/6/2008 9:05:14 AM ( 17 y ago)
Hits: 5,623
Hi MH,
A few months ago, I was eating some alfalfa sprouts, and one of the seeds didn't sprout and hit my bottom back left molar. Intense pain followed. I immediately started doing white willow bark for the pain and in two days it had fully subsided.
Yesterday, eating a raw seed & vegetable cracker, the same molar hit a caraway seed, and a small amount of pain was noted, I moved my tongue to the location, and scraped it on my now broken tooth.
I currently have 4 mercury amalgams, and am fully aware of the risks of having them. It's a major screw up on my part as well as my parents for not being more aware of the dangers of mercury. I'm in the process of getting ready for them to come out, just saving up a bit of money for it. The tooth that broke has a filling, and about 1/4 of the tooth broke off, exposing more of the filling. This has resulted in more mercury vapors.
So far, the only pain was when the tooth broke, and has not been painful since. It's only mildly sensitive to cold water. In the event of pain, I have white willow bark, cloves, and your BF&C powder.
What I had been planning since I've decided to remove my fillings was to leave my teeth empty, without replacing them with Diamondlite, or any other type of filling. In an attempt to naturally replace the dentin and enamel using your BF&C powder as well as a slightly modified version of the tooth and gum remedy. However, since I was not expecting this tooth to crack, I'm not sure if I should continue down this path.
I read up on what the conventional dentists would do, and I am NOT interested in root canals or putting crowns or titanium poles into my teeth. The other option would be to extract my tooth, but again, then they'd want to use a burr and grind my tooth nodes out.
I'm 22 years old. I've read up on what you think about regrowing teeth (every 100 years in those case studies), and have watched the Dr. Christopher videos where he's talked about regrowing teeth. I'm interested in a timeline if you know of any about how long it would take to regrow a tooth if I were to just pull the broken tooth and use a lot of herbs? I also have access to magnetic therapy of different sorts.
Also, do you have any comment about white oak bark? How vital is it to scrape the inside of fresh bark compared to purchasing white oak bark powder from a herb store? I've read that Dr. Christopher recommended using the fresh bark. I might have to go out in the forest and do some tree hunting.
I look forward to replies
I have a picture of the tooth I can upload if necessary.
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