Re: Please help! any advice? by tkb ..... Body Odor Forum
Date: 9/30/2008 6:50:04 PM ( 17 y ago)
Hits: 4,647
i think it's sorta comes from all over. not any specific area although I know my breath can be quite bad too. Sometimes at night I get warm and sweaty even when it's not very hot. at times I have trouble sleeping and severe anxiety. I have read in some places this could be from the yeast. and the odor is either musty or fecal I believe from the comments i have heard. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow for my toenail fungus problem to get lamasil or something similar. Do you think this medication will help me if the problem is fungus/yeast related? I am hoping so. I hope it at least doesn't make it worse. Thanks for your help!!
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