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Oxypowder 10. by RunningBlind ..... Ask CureZone Community

Date:   9/24/2008 10:54:34 AM ( 17 y ago)
Hits:   1,765

I think people question whether or not Oxypowder can remove "Mucoid Plaque". Anyone who takes it knows that it turns their stools into mush. If you haven't had a BM in 3 days and have a brick forming in your colon... and Oxypowder can liquify a brick stool... Why wouldn't it liquefy the "old" mucoid plaque crusted on your colon walls just the same? There have been quite a few people on here who passed Mucoid Plaque on long 20+ day fasts and they only do SWFS or Senna that also proves that you don't need to "scrub" the colon to get the old junk off.

Oxypowder is great. It's predictable and works and there's no chance of "straining" or becoming more constipated like people complain of on Colonix. I've done the research on Curezone, search the Bowel Cleanse Forum for people doing Colonix and PB and you will come up with a few posts of people who have gotten constipated with it and you never read it with Oxypowder. Some people might say Oxypoweder hasn't worked..and it's only because they're not taking enough pills. Some people need 6 to start with not 4. You go down as you get more regular.

Whoever said Oxypowder just "liquefies the food you eat" Is an idiot. They probably don't chew their food well and saw pieces of undigested food in the toilet. If you're eating nuts and you don't chew the nuts well, do you think your stomach has teeth and will chew the nuts for you? Uh no, it goes right through you and you don't even get the nutrients out of it since you didn't "Chew" to extract the nutrients. Since oxypowder liquefies the stools, you see it floating around in the toilet where as pieces of undigested food are hidden in a normal formed stool.

"Liquefying food" doesn't even make sense and isn't possible. You need a blender to liquefy food. Say you eat a stalk of broccoli, how can something possibly turn that into liquid? LOL You should be chewing it to liquid consistency and whatever "fiber" is left in it is supposed to go through your colon. Go drink a can of corn and take oxypowder, the corn will still be whole and not liquid!


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