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Re: huge ascaris problem,help... by xrayu ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)

Date:   9/23/2008 1:21:32 AM ( 17 y ago)
Hits:   8,575

clay doesn't do the trick.However, I do take sonnes # 7 (bet clay)after diatomacious earth, works good to keep their waste products from recirculating. rubbing fully ozonated oil on your skin where you feel them move works to pursuade them into intestine, but they come back out. At least they get poisoned for a short time. I want try and bait them with something sweet, now that my intestine is toxic for them, just not sure what type of bait to use and when? Before ozo oil and l- cystein? or before herbs? I on third week of ozo mop up they moving alot and laying eggs constantly.

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