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Re: How would you rate these colon cleansers by hanna ..... Ask CureZone Community

Date:   9/21/2008 2:21:23 AM ( 17 y ago)
Hits:   1,462

In principle they all work depending on your body type, if you are a "dry" bodytype according to Ayurvedic or Chinese medicine the fiber ones might give you constipation.
When I came to CZ more than 5 years ago most people did the P&B shakes and Dr.Schulze. And there was Colosan powder for the "dry" types.
Since then there are a lot of options.
For me I tried Colonix when it came out for 3 days and gave up on it. I switched to Oxypowder , they were the first ones that made capsules, now Colosan has them too and they might be cheaper.
I always liked Oxypowder so I did not try anything else anymore. I like the idea that it creates oxygen in the intestines and liquefies the fecal matter, it helps with good flora and when the intestines get clean the oxygen might get into other parts of the body. And no it does not liquefy the food you eat.
Nowadays it looks people use some supplements from different forum owners, I am sure you will be able to find out there how people like these products.


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