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Cosmic Wheels and Earth Changes... by #58008 ..... Politics Debate Forum

Date:   9/18/2008 4:32:42 PM ( 17 y ago)
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The four points of the zodiac, beginning with the cardinal signs of Aries then Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, is commonly known as the cardinal cross. These four astrological signs lie on the four points of a ‘clock’ (12, 3, 6 and 9 o’clock)

In astrology, when a transiting planet ‘activates’, or crosses over a point in the heavens, it begins a new cycle. The type of energy released during this transit, is related to the qualities of the planet involved. Pluto is the planet of transformation and regeneration, so we can expect this type of effect.

As Pluto moves across the 9 o’clock point located upon the cardinal cross, it is also entering a new sign – that of Capricorn. Current political and economic events are part of this new cycle, and are occurring before our eyes each day, because Capricorn signifies government and control.

Capricorn is a sign ruled by Saturn which rules matter (or ‘mater’) which means mother or earth. So these changes will come upon the physical planet (Saturn) and world governments (Capricorn) both. Since Pluto means deep seated changes, then the physical Earth will be rattled as well as her governmental systems.

Lest this be viewed as fear based, it is not. It is a viewpoint based on seasons and cosmic rhythms. It is about evolution and growth. It is a cycle with a Purpose that we must determine for ourselves, if we are able.


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