Are you looking for the blessed night? by mo123 ..... Islam Support Forum
Date: 9/15/2008 5:37:04 AM ( 17 y ago)
Hits: 4,598
Peace until the appearance of Dawn
From As-Sunnah Newsletter
The word 'Qadr' means decree; 'Qadar' It also means ‘majesty’ or ‘high esteem’. Thus, Laylat al-Qadr, or the Night of Qadr means ‘Night of Decree’ or ‘the Night of Majesty.’
Laylat al-Qadr is a very blessed night. It is the best night of Ramadaan, rather the whole year. Rewards in this night are multiplied to equal the worship of one thousand months. It is the night, which Allah chose to send down the Qur'aan to the lowest heaven, from where it was revealed in small parts to the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam).
Laylat al-Qadr is the night, when Allah decrees His wise ordainment, matters of life, death, sustenance, disaster, etc. and the angels descend with these decrees: “Verily! We have sent this (Qur'aan) down in the Night of al-Qadr. And what will make you know what Night of Qadr is? The Night of al-Qadr is better than one thousand months. In it the angels and the Spirit (Angel Jibreel alaihis-salaam) descend, by the Permission of Allah, with all decrees. Peace it is until the appearance of dawn.” [Soorah al-Qadr (97): 1-5]
And He says: “We have sent this (Qur'aan) down on a blessed night. Verily! We always warn (people from sinning). In it, every matter of ordainment is decreed by Our Command. Verily! We always send (the messengers for guidance). It is a Mercy from Your Lord; He is indeed All-Hearing, All-Knowing.” [Soorah ad-Dhukhan (44): 3-5]
The sending down of the Qur'aan here does not mean that it was revealed all at once to the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam). According to the scholars, the Qur’aan was sent down on Laylat al-Qadr from al-Lawh al-Mahfoodh (the Preserved Tablet) to the lowest heaven; it was then revealed in small segments, as necessary over a period of twenty three years of the Messenger's life. [Ibn Katheer]
The same applies to Allah's Decrees; they (the Decrees) are not formulated on this specific night every year. Rather, Allah with His encompassing knowledge knew everything which will happen and recorded it all in al-Lawh al-Mahfoodh. On Laylat al-Qadr, Allah issues His decrees pertaining to the following year (life, death, sustenance etc.) to the angels, after having been in al-Lawh al-Mahfoodh. [Ibn Katheer]
When is Laylat al-Qadr?
The knowledge of the exact date of Laylat al-Qadr is hidden from us. Ubadah bin as-Samit t reported that the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) walked into the Masjid (Prophet's mosque) and found two men arguing. He (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: “I was coming to tell you about (the time of) Laylat al-Qadr; when such and such men disputed, the knowledge of it was raised (taken); and this may be better for you. So seek it on the ninth, seventh, and fifth nights (after twenty).” [Saheeh al-Bukharee]
Various authentic reports indicate that Laylat al-Qadr falls on the nights of twenty first, twenty-third, twenty fifth, twenty seventh, twenty-ninth, or the last night of Ramadaan. Therefore, scholars differ regarding the exact date of Laylat al-Qadr, but definitely it falls on an odd night among the last ten nights of Ramadaan.
Note: Twenty-first night means the night preceding the twenty-first day of Ramadaan.
Scholars also differ whether Laylat al-Qadr always falls on a fixed night, or moves from year to year between nights. The safest approach is to follow the Ahadeeth, which instruct one to seek Layat alQadr (at least) on odd nights of the last ten days in Ramadaan. At the same time, special care should be given to the night of the twenty-seven because it is the night on which the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) gathered all his family, and spent it in prayer and worship.
How to seek Laylat al-Qadr?
Laylat al-Qadr is the most blessed night. One who misses it has indeed missed a great amount of rewards. If a believing person is zealous to obey his Lord and increase in good deeds, he should strive to encounter this night and spend it in worship and obedience. If this is facilitated for him, all of his previous sins will be forgiven.
Qiyam: It is recommended to make a long Qiyam (standing) in prayer during the nights on which Laylat al-Qadr could fall. This is indicated in a number of Ahadeeth. The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: “Whoever stands (in Qiyam) in Laylat al-Qadr (and it is facilitated to him) out of faith and expectation (of Allah's reward), will have all his previous sins forgiven.” [Saheeh al-Bukharee and Saheeh Muslim] “and it is facilitated to him.” This addition is recorded in Musnad Ahmad, it means that if he is permitted to be among the sincere worshipers during the blessed night.
Supplication: It is also recommended to make extensive supplications on the night of Laylat al-Qadr. Aa'ishah (radhi allahu anha) reported that she asked the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam): "O Messenger of Allah r! If I knew the night of Laylat al-Qadr, what should I say during it?” And he (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) instructed her to say: “Allahumma innaka afuwwun tuhibbul afwa fa'fu anni” O Allah! You are forgiving, and you love forgiveness. So forgive me.” [(saheeh) by Shaikh al-Albanee (Musnad Ahmad, Ibn Majah and at-Tirmidhee)]
It is further recommended to spend more time in worship during the night on which Laylat al-Qadr is likely to be. This calls for abandoning many worldly pleasures in order to secure the time and thoughts solely for Allah. Aa'ishah (radhi allahu anha) reported: “When the (last) ten days started, the Prophet of Allah would tighten his izar (i.e he stayed away from his wives in order to have more time for worship), spend the whole night awake (in prayer), and wake up his family.” [Saheeh al-Bukharee and Saheeh Muslim]
Signs of Laylat al-Qadr:
Allah and His Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) have mentioned some signs to identify the night of Laylat al-Qadr. It is interesting to note that by the Wisdom of Allah, the All-Wise, these signs occur after the night has passed. Some scholars state that the wisdom behind this is that one would not rely on definite knowledge in order to limit his worship to just one night of the whole year. This understanding is supported from the Prophet’s statement: “…and this may be better for you.” (as in the previously mentioned Hadeeth).
Abu Dharr reported that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: “On the morning following Laylat al-Qadr, the sun rises without rays, resembling a dish, until it becomes high.” [Saheeh Muslim] Also, a report from Ibn Abbas (radiyallahu-anhu) informs that it is a moderate night, neither hot nor cold. [(hasan) Ibn Khuzaimah]
Unfound folk-tales:
Many fables circulate among the common people, claiming unusual incidents occurring on Laylat al-Qadr, like trees making sujood, animals acting in a strange way etc. All this has no basis in the Qur’aan or the Sunnah. Laylat al-Qadr is a blessed night, which should be spent in worship and obedience; he who makes good use of it in accordance with the Sunnah as outlined above, can hope Allah's acceptance and blessings
How to Seek Laylatul-Qadr
Shaykh Muhammad Nasir-ud-Deen al-Albani
Adapted from "The Night Prayers: Qiyam & Tarawih from works by Muhammad Nasir ud-Deen al-Albani (and other scholars)"
Compiled by Muhammad al-Jibali, © 1997 QSS
Laylat ul-Qadr is the most blessed night. A person who misses it has indeed missed a great amount of good. If a believing person is zealous to obey his Lord and increase the good deeds in his record, he should strive to encounter this night and to pass it in worship and obedience. If this is facilitated for him, all of his previous sins will be forgiven.
Praying Qiyaam
It is recommended to make a long Qiyaam prayer during the nights on which Laylat ul-Qadr could fall. This is indicated in many hadeeths, such as the following:
Abu Tharr (radhiallahu `anhu) relates:
"We fasted with Allah's Messenger (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) in Ramadaan. He did not lead us (in qiyaam) at all until there were seven (nights of Ramadaan) left. Then he stood with us (that night - in prayer) until one third of the night had passed. He did not pray with us on the sixth. On the fifth night, he prayed with us until half of the night had passed. So we said, 'Allah's Messenger! Wouldn't you pray with us the whole night?' He replied:
'Whoever stands in prayer with the imaam until he (the imaam) concludes the prayer, it is recorded for him that he prayed the whole night.'…" [Recorded by Ibn Abi Shaybah, Abu Dawud, at-Tirmithi (who authenticated it), an-Nasa'i, Ibn Majah, at-Tahawi (in Sharhu Ma`an il-Athar, Ibn Nasr, al-Faryabi, and al-Bayhaqi. Their isnad is authentic.]
[Point of benefit: Abu Dawud mentioned: "I heard Ahmad being asked, 'Do you like for a man to pray with the people or by himself during Ramadan?' He replied, 'Pray with the people' I also heard him say, 'I would prefer for one to pray (qiyaam) with the imaam and to pray witr with him as well, for the Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) said: "When a man prays with the imaam until he concludes, it is recorded that he prayed the rest of that night." [Masaa'il]]
Abu Hurayrah (radhiallahu `anhu) narrated that the Messenger (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) said:
"Whoever stands (in qiyaam) in Laylat ul-Qadr [and it is facilitated for him] out of faith and expectation (of Allah's reward), will have all of his previous sins forgiven." [Al-Bukhari and Muslim; the addition "and it is facilitated for him" is recorded by Ahmad from the report of `Ubaadah Bin as-Samit; it means that he is permitted to be among the sincere worshippers during that blessed night.]
Making Supplications
It is also recommended to make extensive supplication on this night. `A'ishah (radhiallahu `anha) reported that she asked Allah's Messenger (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam), "O Messenger of Allah! If I knew which night is Laylat ul-Qadr, what should I say during it?" And he instructed her to say:
"Allahumma innaka `afuwwun tuh.ibbul `afwa fa`fu `annee - O Allah! You are forgiving, and you love forgiveness. So forgive me." [Recorded by Ahmad, Ibn Majah, and at-Tirmithi. Verified to be authentic by Al-Albani]
Abandoning Worldly Pleasures for the Sake of Worship
It is further recommended to spend more time in worship during the nights on which Laylat ul-Qadr is likely to be. This calls for abandoning many worldly pleasures in order to secure the time and thoughts solely for worshipping Allah. `A'ishah (radhiallahu `anha) reported:
"When the (last) ten started, the Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) would tighten his izaar (i.e. he stayed away from his wives in order to have more time for worship), spend the whole night awake (in prayer), and wake up his family." [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
And she said:
"Allah's Messenger (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) used to exert more (in worship) on the last ten than on other nights." [Muslim]
3rd Ashra of Ramadan
Ashra is an Arabic word, which means “ten.” In Islamic terminology, the 1st Ashra refers to the first 10 days of the Holy month of Ramadan. The second Ashra refers to the middle 10 days (11-20), and the third Ashra refers to the last set of 10 days (21-30).
The last ten days of Ramadan need no mentioning, because we all know the hadith of the Prophet, peace be upon him, and Qur’anic verses regarding Lailatul Qadr, the Night of Power. We must strive in these final days of fasting to ask Allah to pardon us and to save us from the hell-fire. Lailatul Qadr is to be searched for in the odd nights of the last ten days. The dua to ask on this Night of Power was given to Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her:
"Allahuma innaka 'afuwwun karimun tuhibbul 'afwa fa ‘afu anni Ya Ghafoor”
O Allah! You are the Most Forgiving and Most Gracious! You love to forgive, so forgive my errors and sins, oh Forgiver of sins.
One is strongly encouraged to perform Aitikaaf during the last ten days of Ramadan. Our Great Prophet practiced Aitikaaf from the time he came to Madinah until his death. The Prophet further emphasized, "Oh People! The gate of Paradise remains open during this month so pray to your Lord that they may not be closed for you. The gates of hell are closed, so pray to your Lord that they never open for you. Shaitaan has been chained, so invoke your Lord not to let him dominate you."
The Prophet used to strive hard in worship during the last ten days of Ramadan in a way that He did not strive at any other times. A believer should follow the example of the Prophet, for He is the best example, and he should strive hard in worshipping Allah. We should not waste the hours of these days and nights. There are no guarantees in life. We don’t know whether this time will ever come again in our lives or not, whether we will live to see the Ramadan of next year or not. So we must make the most of the opportunities granted to us by Allah and utilize our time and energy, and focus our efforts towards fulfilling that which needs to be fulfilled.
In the end, let me stress that fasting in the month of Ramadan is not to show that we can stay hungry and thirsty but rather it is a struggle to strengthen our Deen. It is the month to make our bond stronger with our Rabb, to attain Taqwa, the ability to distinguish between right and wrong. These are the final few days of this most blessed and holy month, and this is our final chance to improve our lives and get closer to Allah. Allah does not need our ibaadat, but it indeed us who need Allah, so the needy must strive. The thirsty must seek water, not vice versa.
Dua: Oh Allah, indeed we are sinners and indeed you are the best of all forgivers so we seek forgiveness in these last days of Ramadan, please forgive us. We seek to become better Muslims, so help us become better. We seek refuge from the shaitaan so save us from his domination. Grant us Jannah, and save us from Hell-fire. Aameen.
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