Re: pyroluria ... this is for inspiraller ...vitamin b6 and zinc by MadArtist ..... Adrenal Fatigue Forum
Date: 9/12/2008 2:11:18 PM ( 17 y ago)
Hits: 62,347
As far as I understand - minerals should be taken before bedtime on an empty stomach and vitamins with food. (As far as supplements go - because obviously, you can also eat mineral rich foods, which would preclude this?)
However, taking some supplements depletes others, so care must be taken to read about supplementing so as not to cause further deficiencies.
I hope you can solve your puzzle and get your health back on track...
MadArt (ist)
For example, here's a quote to that effect taken from a website that offers info and treatment products, and the link at the end:
"(PARTIAL quote:)
Pyrolurics respond very quickly to nutritional treatment. I have observed that within one week there is noticeable relief and often substantial recovery will occur within three to six months. However, the treatment regimen is ongoing, throughout their lives.
The HRC Pyroluria Formula contains the following essential nutrients, in addition to B6 (pyridoxine) and zinc:
Phosphatidal 5 Phosphate: is the metabolite that B6 becomes. Sometimes that first conversion (from B6 to P5P) is faulty, so it is wise to incorporate both forms of B6. P5P also allows a higher intake of B6 without reaching a toxic level (tingling or numb fingers and toes.)
Manganese: is depleted and will be further reduced by taking zinc if not supplemented. Manganese is required for Sugar protein metabolism and for cartilage and joint development. It plays a role in preventing Depression and in delivering choline to the memory neurotransmitter, acetylcholine.
Warning: In persons over forty, manganese may raise blood pressure. If this occurs, the dose should be stopped until blood pressure normalizes.
Magnesium: taking large amounts of B6 may create a depletion of magnesium. Dr. Bernard Rimland has found that adding magnesium to B6 supplementation prevents such side effects as sound hypersensitivity, irritability, and involuntary urination, when taken at one-half the dosage of B6.
(B3) Niacinamide: Since the body must have enough B6 to make niacin from tryptophan, a deficiency of niacin often occurs in pyrolurics, causing pellagra-like symptoms. Dr. Abram Hoffer has found niacin supplementation to be valuable in speeding recovery. We use the niacinamide form. It is superior to niacin for relief of anxiety since niacin does not penetrate the brain as easily as does niacinamide.
Vitamin C and Pantothenic Acid: Are anti-stress nutrients, needed to rebuild your adrenal glands that are exhausted from living with the ongoing tension pyroluria creates. Without this repair, it is near impossible to lift the fatigue and weakness you experience."
(***This post does not represent recomendation of the site. I have no association or experience with the center or products. This post if for reference info only.***)
What foods provide zinc?
Zinc is found in a wide variety of foods (2). Oysters contain more zinc per serving than any other food, but red meat and poultry provide the majority of zinc in the American diet. Other good food sources include beans, nuts, certain seafood, whole grains, fortified breakfast cereals, and dairy products (2,9). Zinc absorption is greater from a diet high in animal protein than a diet rich in plant proteins (2). Phytates, which are found in whole grain breads, cereals, legumes and other products, can decrease zinc absorption..."
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