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Re: Herpes and MMS by miller26 ..... Miracle Mineral Solution MMS Forum

Date:   9/10/2008 10:30:00 AM ( 17 y ago)
Hits:   76,406

This Peroxide in a tub idea I'm sure works but only as an external band-aid. There are a lot of things that will do the same thing as this to relieve the outbreaks (ie: Coconut oil). My suggestion is to try Monoluarin (900mg per day). Monolaurin fully inactivates/kills the lipid coating around the herpes virus. This is the coating that allows the herpes virus to basically swim in your blood system without any repercussions from your immune system. Take that lipid/fat coating away from the herpes virus and the virus can be killed. If you truly want to stop your outbreaks and work towards a sincere approach to trying to cure yourself you must use a protocal that attacks the virus from the inside out and not from the outside-in. Start cooking with coconut oil only and work on your eating habits. Our bodies are extremely toxic so i would also suggest changing from a regular doctor of medicine to a hollistic doctor who truly understands the inside-out approach due to his training and education. Good luck.

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