Re: Please ! ! advise, feeling worse by peggyaus ..... Adrenal Fatigue Forum
Date: 9/7/2008 8:20:12 PM ( 17 y ago)
Hits: 7,207
I had a MAJOR set back just last week; I caught the most horrible virus or cold/flu, I'm not sure what. I'm still not sure whether it was caught, or whether it was an extreme die off. I haven't been this sick since I started cleansing some months ago. My thoughts now are that there was an intense purging going on and I actually thing I am better than I was before I was sick. I sweat alot, coughed up alot of flegm.
I asked myself the same question as you are asking and was quite bewildred I could get so sick after so much cleansing.
At any rate, it put my immune system through a good workout!
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