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Re: Selling a magnificent Wisteria? by fledgling ..... Gardening Forum

Date:   9/2/2008 12:33:46 AM ( 17 y ago)
Hits:   2,669

Hey, thanks, Squeaky!

I didn't know that, and I need to.

We are a little north of the 49th parallel, south-western Canada. Wisteria is not that well-known here, in our inland town. I think the winter cold gets less hardy varieties...though over in Victoria, on the Pacific ocean, the climate is something like England. Early in spring a radio station keeps count of the flowers all over town as they begin to bloom.

The gardening club in Victoria brought in an older gentleman from England who is very knowledgeable about country estate gardening in 1800's England.

It was astonishing that he had no idea that his little TV program had world-wide regard.

One of the questions most frequently asked of him was how to get a wisteria to bloom...for the devoted gardeners of that city have many wisterias...often in quarry gardens open to the public.

The simple answer, of course, is to not continue pruning them. Apparently that stops the blooming. I even got the idea that it may take as much as a couple of years for wisteria to bloom once more.

There was only one other in our town, as far as I know...and I only know from seeing it as we drove by.

In my home town, Vancouver, I don't remember seeing one, but my mother spoke of them with awe.

Someone else said they can tear the front porch off your house. This one nearly broke the roof of the garage...strangled it. Of course it isn't a very strongly-built garage.

I guess I inherited my mother's awe of the plant, though I have yet to see one up close, blooming.

I'll keep reading, and poke around the real gardeners...see if anyone is interested. I'm afraid I'm not much of a hands-on grower, I'm a better planner.


Many thanks for your information.


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