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Re: DEAR blind AMA sheeple. by #97461 ..... MMS - Miracle Mineral Solution Debate

Date:   8/30/2008 4:53:33 PM ( 17 y ago)
Hits:   6,875

I know you're being sarcastic, because I realize how 'mainstream' you truly are. The only reason you're posting here or on any other alternative site for that matter, isnt because you feel alternative therapies work. Its because you are a caregiver to someone who spent a lot of money on something that doesnt work, and I think you are upset and bitter because of that. If it was up to you, you would be using mainstream drugs and doctors recommendations 100%. Its ironic how sometimes people who dont even have the disease are more bitter and frustrated than those who do. Like I said before, you're outside looking in, you dont have a clue as to what you're talking about. We saw how truly interested you were in alternative therapies when we saw that you didnt even know the difference between procaine and prokarin. And then when someone pointed out the difference, you shrugged it off as a 'reading' mistake. Pretty phony if you ask me.

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