Eating An Elephant...By RG by humaworm ..... Ask Humaworm: Parasites
Date: 8/25/2008 11:12:25 AM ( 16 y ago)
Hits: 5,023
We are working our way through over 6,000 back orders and about 9,000 emails. Please help to answer the newcomers questions. I have not forgotten about any of you!
Lightening struck our house the night of July 31st. The house was attached to the shop which housed HUMAWORM. The whole thing burned for 3 days and there is nothing left. Nothing personal from our lives and the lives of our children & grandchildren. Nothing left of my grandmother's work and nothing left of HUMAWORM, INC. Nothing but a few bricks. Living in the country is great until something like this happens. Three fire trucks came and worked for hours -but it was too far gone. When we came home at 9:30 pm the roof was on fire and it only got worse. All we had was the clothes on our backs. Even my 3 "fireproof" safes burned. I am almost over the shock, rage, despair and hopelessness that I have been going through for the last 26 days. I am now pouring myself into rebuilding my life and my company. We are most grateful for our lives!! Material things can be replaced and my herbal knowledge is within me - useable and whole.
Please heed my advice! Get copies made of all of your pictures and put them in a safety deposit box or bury them in the ground. Also - take pictures of the inside of your house and buildings - this is proof for the insurance company of your contents. We have had to list EVERY single item in our home and in our shop - from the cases of herbs, our furniture and even down to small items like washcloths and q-tips. This too will be done in time.
I just keep telling my self this "to eat an elephant - you just take one bite at a time " :)
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