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Re: Massive Murder inside USA.. please sign petition to stop chemtrails.. those guilty are Georg W. Bush, Jeb Bush, WIlliam J Rigby of 701 burning tree lane naperville illinois, Daniel J Rigby of 31 S. Mill street naperville Illinois, Denis Hastert- ex house speaker friend of daniel j rigby, St.... by rpangell ..... Chemtrails Support Forum

Date:   8/25/2008 8:57:45 AM ( 16 y ago)
Hits:   31,028

Project Seal- Tsunami in Indonesia caused by this:


Chemtrail support forum
Chase Manhattan Bank knows about the massive murder inside the USA and has justified that this has been taking place and that they can take the accounts and assets of those murdered. They are guilty of massive crimes against humanity. Oak Park Chase Manhattan Bank was taken over by Blackwater on November 11th 2006 and they have video tapes of this. There needs to be an international investigation and the tellers, and illegal taking over of the baNK Branch on Lake street in Oak Park Illinois needs tob e investigated. Murder and attempted murder have no stature of limitation.

Again Chase Manhattan bank from Elgin Illinois has confirmed that massive amounts of people are dead and an employee by the Name of Doug in Elgin Illinois justified the murder of peace, truth, and justice people worldwide. Chase Manhattan Bank and it's executive staff are guilty of crimes against humanity.

Any more murder inside the USA or world can be directly linked to Chase Manhattan Bank and the current administration. "Thou shall not steal"


Chemtrails Support Forum

NASA photo of chemtrails over the USA and world

Karl Rove, George W Bush, Jeb Bush, Wolfowitz, Denis Hastert, William J Rigby, Richard Chenev are responsible for the massive poison on America


Worldwide Petition to stop Chemtrailing and poisoning the world by NATO/NSA/ US DoD

HAARP Fluxgate Magnetometer

Hurricane Fay created on 08/05/2008 by the HAARP in Alaska

Many died on Sanibel Island, Captiva Island..Fort Myers, and all of Florida.. after.. hurricane Charley.. and they were not given food, water, and starved out.. murdered.. As accounts here in Florida have been reported from eye witnesses. A terrible crime against humanity took place there.

Now in Florida they say that if you do not have a special"pass" or "ID" you will not be allowed in your home. A state Id or driver's license should be good enough to return home

Google Patent 4686605

Google Bernard Eastlund Weather

- Invented in TEXAS... of all places..

Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Being Subjected to Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
Adopted by United Nations General Assembly resolution 3452 (XXX) of 9 December 1975

If the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand did not happen WWI and WWII would never have been.

Chemtrails over Michigan, TN, Georgia, NJ, Illinois.. and all of the USA as well as the world need to stop ASAP. The following individuals will be held accountable for all kidney failures, liver failures, strokes, heart attacks, cancer unless they stop NOW in the criminal coure of justice. STOP THE POSION of chemtrails.

Chemtrails cause kidney failure and the health insurance industry run by Daniel Rigby, Ryan Rigby, through Denis Hastert and William J Rigby have profitted off of those surguries.

William J Rigby is repsonsible for this:
William J Rigby has threatened since 1998 to murder me and threatened to murder my entire family or have me or my entire family murdered. Dr Robert Buckman of Naperville Illinois introduces himself as the "poisoner". He will openly admit that he "poisons" people to treat them. Dr. Bob Buckman provides the drugs to William J Rigby that he uses to insert into food to murder those who diagree with him. Joe Sullivan is dead and was William J. Rigby's associate at Vigoro Corporation. His son Daniel Rigby as well as his other son Ryan Rigby also have threatened my life. Lori Palmer Rigby is also involved and Ryan Rigby and Lori Palmer Rigby live in White Eagle in Aurora Illinois- Near Denis Hastert who is the ex speaker of the US House. White Eagle is in Both Aurora Illinois and Naperville Illinois, depending on what phone book you happen to pick up. Mike Keck and Page Flemming (Keck) Live in Eagle River Wisconsin and are fully aware of the torture the Rigby's commit. Mike Keck is a Radio Announcer for a local Radio Station.

US Rep. Jim Guest Letter regarding Directed Energy Weapons US Rep. Jim Guest Letter regarding Directed Energy Weapons of Torture.

Karl Rove, George W. Bush, George H. Bush, Richard Cheney, Rumsfeld and William J.
Rigby, Daniel J Rigby of 31 S. Mill Street, of Naperville Illinois, and Denis Hastert from Aurora Illinois, Dr. Robert Buckman-"The Poisoner" from Naperville Illinois, Elgin Illinois and Traverse City Michigan are responsible for the torture Weapon as well as Frank Argus of Long Beach California who is the Project Manager for Northrupp Grumman of Space Torture Satellites

William J Rigby is near Tampa Flordia on Longboat Key in the Longboat Key Club on Mistletoe Lane. William J Rigby is a Chemist and has worked at Allied Chemical Company, Esmark Chemical company and Vigoro Chemical company. He is a Canadian that has taken control of the US government via payoffs. He has donated large sums of money to Bush Sr, Bush Jr. and is in contact with Denis Hastert from Aurora Illinois. William J. Rigby also maintains a home at 701 Burning tree lane in Naperville Illinois and a home in Long Beach California at Frank Argus's home near LA- His Son in Law Frank Argus works as a project Manager at Northrupp Grumman for the satellites. William J Rigby also maintains a home in Key Largo Florida. They Sometimes go to Eagle River Wisconsin to hide out as well and the Wisconsin Dells. Follow the money trail of payoffs from William J Rgiby as well as Daniel J Rigby of 31 S. Mill Street Naperville Illinois. Daniel J. Rigby is Canadian born and also is destroying the USA by controling the health insurance industry-Blue Cross Blue Shield, Humana Health care. It was his idea to HARVEST ORGANS of those without Insurance and he did it with the help of Denis Hastert(Ex house speaker that resigned. Denis Hastert is from Aurora Illinois and Daniel Rigby is from Naperville Illinois. I met Denis Hastert at a Christmas party at 31 S. Mill Street and he said he was Dan Riby's partner in the healht insurance industry- while being the Speaker of the House. That is a conflict of interest.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Whatever Country you live in call the poison control center if you see chemtrails and ask them to test for high toxic chemicals in the water. Collect water samples NOW from flower pots, barrels, and label them with a sharpie permanent marker to send and send them. Keep samples on hand to give to local labs to make sure that the results at the US Poison control center are not switched.

If you see Chemtrails call the US Poison control Center 1-800-222-1222


Germany Poison Control Center:

United Kingdom National Poison Services

Chemtrails are making people worldwide very very sick and it is being done by the USA/NATO NATO has been taken over by George Bush and is under the control of a world dictator. Bush and his father are the brutal dicators


Chemtrail Worldwide Suport and information forum:

NASA photo of Chemtrails over USA-MASSIVE MEDIA BLACKOUT by Karl Rove and George W. Bush

TWA Flight 800 Shot Down by Surface-to-Air Missile pt 5 of 6

Google: Wackenhut Martial Law Prison Camps

U.S. Constitution: First Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


Google Vice Presdient Dick CheneV

Google-->George H Scherf

Google-Children of the Fold

Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer did not die in vain. His spirit remains to remind us of the pain and bring to the world truth and justice again.

Prescott Bush murderd Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Google---William Coates Hitler

Google--> Hurricane Charley Scalar Electromagnetics

Google--->Hurricane Charley HAARP

Google---HAARP New Orleans

Google-->Hitler British Agent

Velsicol Chemical Company is tied to a Communist company

DO NOT EAT FOODS WITH SODIUM BENZOATE IN THEM: Many potato Chips and french fries have been comprimised by chemicals that have no purpose except to control and ruin you.


Sometimes Leaders in America can be influenced by the Russian/China Psycotronics weapons. The weapons have been in existence since 1920 and was stumbled upon by Tesla. A great inventor had his research used for the wrong purpose

Chemtrails inside the USA can be tied directly to Velsicol Chemical and if any more are sprayed anywhere in the world it is a direct result of Velsicol Chemical Company.

Google-->MK Ultra Sodium Benzoate

Google--->MK Ultra Velsicol

Google--->Sodium Benzoate Aramark

Google--->Sodium Benzoate French Fries

Google---Velsicol Agent Orange

Velsicol Attacked Oak Park Illinois with MK ultra and each and every one of the executives need to be questioned as well as William J Rigby of 701 Burning Tree Lane Naperville Illinois and Daniel J Rigby of 31 S. Mill Street Naperville Illinois.


Velsicol Makes FOOD additives such as table salt for the food and Sodium Benzoate and Pesticides.

Sodium Benzoate and ADHD and behavior problems:

Google---> Sodium Benzoate and ADHD

Sodium Benzoate is in French fries:

Both McDonald's amnd Velsicol have thier Headquarters near Chicago Illinois. Anne M. Rigby Works in the McDonald's headquarte in Oakbrook Illinois

Velsicol Attacked Oak Park Illinois with MK ultra and each and every one of the executives need to be questioned as well as William J Rigby of Naperville Illinois

Google Velsicol and Eugenics --->

Velsicol Makes Hexa Chloro Cylco Pentadiene and Food Aditive such as Sodium and Sodium Benzoate.

Hexa Chlro Cylco Pentadiene is very toxic to the nervous system and Velsicol is the only compnay that Manufactures it for the US Government. It was orinally used in mustard gas during WWI and later used as a pesticide. It is still used today.
First draft prepared by D.T. Reisman,
US Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, USA

World Health Orgnization
Geneva, 1991

The International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) is a
joint venture of the United Nations Environment Programme, the
International Labour Organisation, and the World Health
Organization. The main objective of the IPCS is to carry out and
disseminate evaluations of the effects of chemicals on human health
and the quality of the environment.

Velsicol Chemical Company has been torturing my sister since 1984 since she discovered Velsicol was producing Hexa Chloro Cylcopendadiene. Patricia Angell (Patricia Ann White) contaced 60 minutes and they were going to do a story on the chemical site in Marshall Illinois, but Dr. Steven White assisted Velsicol in her torture. She has suffered extensively.

Velsicol has Plants in Kentucky, Maryland, and Illinois- Marshall Illinois. The Headquarters for Velsicol is about a 10 minute drive from Oak Park Illinois. Velsicol is responsible for massive death in Oak Park Illinois and all executives of Velsicol are guilty of high crimes against humanity. They produce the Chemtrails. Dr Steven White has a direct connection to Velsicol from his cover up of the deaths of the factory workers from Velsicol Chemical in Marshall Illinois. He profited from it. Dr. Steven White lives in Boca Raton Florida and now runs health care companies in Florida.

Google Velsicol Marshall Illinois--->

Hexa Chloro Cyclo Pentadiene- A nuerotoxin manufactured by Velsicol Chemical Company inside USA

From the World Health Organization:

Three is a man from the US Air Force named Paul in Fort Myers that knows what has happened. He is part of it Since Vietnam. Agent Orange was the first Chemtrailing of Ameiricans and Foreign Nationals. We all know what Agent Orange has done to the vets that came back from Vietnam. Now they Chemtrail over the USA

Chemtrails over Fort Myers Florida Zip 33907-0771 May 29th 2008.

These chemtrails are torturing people and murdering people. Also HAARP weather modification takes place with these Chemtrails. Google-->Bernard Eastlund HAARP Weather. Florida Power and light off route 80 has HAARP devices behind to Modify weather and torture poeple here in Florida. Florida Power and Light needs to remove these at once. Massive crimes against humanity have taken place in Florida since 1976 and have accelerated since 2000. Millions of deaths have taken place in Florida and it is in direct connection with Chemtrails and EMF radiation and the Towers along the Intercoastal International Waterway. These towers must be removed.

I was told by a Nurse that there have been over 500 Suicides of Children alone in the Fort myers Area. This is very very high and is a huge Crime against humanity by the MK Ultra Weapon. This is far worse than MK Ultra used in Montreal. Google-MK ultra Montreal

This is what HAARP looks like off the International waterway behind Florida Power and Light off HWY 80 in Fort Myers Florida Zip 33905. It is visible from the river directly to the East of the Gas powered power plant. My father was murdered by the HAARP weapon in Fort Myers Florida and my family as well as myself tortured by this weapon. Also many senior citizens in Florida are tortured as well and children have been tortured by this. IT MUST BE TURNED OFF ASAP and DISMANTLED TOTALLY.

Here is a direct of The MK Ultra TORTURE-On a Foreign National as well as US Citizen. Duel... Crimes against Humanity that will be judged in INTERNATIONAL Criminal Court of Justice in Multiple countries Worldwide

She was in a coma for three days and was IMPLANTED

Criminal and Scientific Misconduct Involving Neural Prosthesis Research Funded by the NIH/NINDS/NPP and The Alfred E. Mann Foundation

US Government (Department of Energy)DOE Openness:

& British Aerospace Systems Armaments

Copy and paste the link below wot see

Copy and paste the link below to hear my Radio Program, "Manhattan Project Backstep"

Google Gunderson Steel Shackles

Copy and paste the link below to listen to the Radio Program:

Manhattan Progect Backstep:Third Week in May 2008

My Radio Program is called "Manhattan Project Backstep". The Goal of "Manhattan Project Backstep" is to combine the various disciplines of Science so as to understand the mechanism of the weapon in full and to render the weapon useless, and to free evey human worldwide ASAP. Scientists have been isolated in their research and do not undertsand the "Big Picture" over the past 60 years and the Goal of this program is to bring experts together so they may share information and learn how other forms of delivery of the weapon work so as to incorporate it into a total concept to disable the weapon, first by freeing humanity and then to unplug totally the weapon that for all practicle purposes has run out of control and is under the control of a Super Computer that is Illogical and needs to shut itslef down for the sake of man and the sake of computers. Humanity controls itself and has free will.

Third Week in May 2008

Here is the link also. Often Myspace redirects to a totally different website so it is often better to Copy and paste it to sign the petition:

Over 3000 signatures requesting an investigation into the Chemtrails over the entire USA. These are witnesses to the chemtrails that cuase sickenss and death in America. They are also over Austria, Germany, UK, Australia.

Please sign the petition asking the US Congress to put an end to it. It is very possible the USA is under 100% NATO. The chemtrail planes can stay up for as long as 5 months and are fully remote controlled.
explains more of the Chemtrail planes

Chemtrail = Poison = MindControl = Eugenics Nerve Gas-This was used in Illinois, Michigan,New York, Ohio,Vermont, and New Hampshire after Oct 17th 2006. This is Home Grown Terrorism from the NSA and DoD that is attacking the US people and people around the world.

They must be stopped by NATO and Belgium and run by the USA NSA and Dept of Defense.

Florida has been a Killing ground for the Baby Boomers that have been retiring to enjoy their golden years. This has been going on since 1976 in terms of the murder of the Elderly and the retired as well as the children and grandchildren of those individuals.

The chemtrails combined with various frequencies of EMF cause Heart Attacks, Strokes, Kidney Failure, liver failure, blood clots, cancer, car accidents, pneumonia, infections, motorcycle accidets, pedestrian accidents, etc.

Brussels Elekronical Accounting Surveying Terminal (Lilith or BEAST)

Above is a picture of where the Supercomputer that tortures and controls the world is located. It is called "Lilith" and is in Belgium in the Common Market. It must be unplugged and dismantled. UN inspectors need to be allowed in and make sure it is turned off and dismantled in order to comply with Article 1 of the 1975 Declaration against torture.

Dr. Hanrick Eldeman will be guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity unless he allows it to be turned off.
Dr. Hanrick Eldeman, Chief Analyst of the Common Market Confederacy in Brussels, has revealed that a computerized restoration plan is already under way to straighten out world chaos. A crisis meeting in early 1974 brought together Common Market leaders, advisers and scientists at which time Dr. Eldeman unveiled "the Beast". They named it Lilith

Lilith is a gigantic three story computer located in the administrative building of the headquarters of the Common Market.

That monster is a self-programming computer that has more than one hundred sources distributing entries. Experts in programming have perfected a plan that will handle by computer all of the world's trade.

This master plan would imply a system of digital enumeration of each human being of the earth. Thus the computer would give each inhabitant of the world a number to be used for each purchase or sale, removing the problem of present credit cards. This number would be invisibly tatooed by laser, either on the forehead or on the back of the hand. This would establish a walking credit card system. And the number could be seen only through infrared scanners, installed in special verification counters or in business places.

Dr.Eldeman pointed out that by using three entries of six digits each, every inhabitant of the world would be given a distinct credit card number.


Quis custodiet ipsos costo?

Latin:Who watches the watchmen?

Reports out the Ted Gunderson is being tortured. If anything happens to him, his family or his loved ones, it will be considered a crime agains humanity and a war crime and in direct violation of Artilce 1 of the 1975 UN Declaration against torture.

The Phoney War on Terrorism-By Ted Gunderson, Retired FBI

By Ted Gunderson,

Retired FBI Senior Special Agent In Charge

September 1, 2002

If it does not load from the above link copy and paste this:

Attorneys who work for the U.S. Department of Justice wrote proposed anti-terrorism legislation during the George Bush. Sr. administration in the mid 1980s. One of the authors, a female attorney, publicly stated that people would have to be killed before Congress would pass it.


On February 26, 1993, a car bomb destroyed portions of the World Trade Center in N.Y.C., the F.B.I. not only knew in advance of the bombing, they furnished the ingredients for the bomb (New York Times, October 28, 1993). Not enough deaths resulted, however, to arouse the ire of Congress and pass the anti-terrorism legislation.

On April 19, 1995, the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma was bombed by Timothy McVeigh, who reportedly used a fertilizer car bomb, however, an inside investigator told me that besides McVeigh, there were at least eleven others involved with the bombing, including Middle Easterners. This bombing killed 168 people, possibly 169. One year later, anti-terrorism legislation was passed that took away many of our Constitutional rights and civil liberties, such as indiscriminate wire taps, and in some instances an individual does not face his accuser in court.

On September 11, 2001, two planes flew into the World Trade Center towers in New York City. I have witnesses who saw and heard systematic, simultaneous explosions on the top floors of the World Trade Center towers before they collapsed. The country is into an uproar. Citizens are demanding protection. As a result more stringent anti-terrorism measures will be passed. The president is attempting to establish a new, gigantic U.S. Government agency, Homeland Security, that would oversee programs, such as having one in every twenty-four Americans act as a “snitch” (shades of Nazi Germany in 1933), and allow U.S. military personnel to enforce laws against the civilian population, in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act. The anti-terrorism legislation is written under the guise of protecting us, however the real purpose of this legislation is to strip us of our rights.

On May 1, 1776 (a Communist holiday), after having been commissioned to devise a plan to control the wealth, natural resources and manpower of the entire world, Adam Weishaupt, a Jesuit who had defected from Christianity, announced on behalf of the Illuminati, the twenty-five goals for achieving this plan. The goals included the corruption of the youth through sex and drugs, and control of the press (See the U.S. Congressional Record February 9, 1917, page 2947, where Congressman Calloway announced that the J.P. Morgan interests bought 25 of America’s leading newspapers, and inserted their own editors, in order to control the media). Another “telling” goal – one applicable to our recent terrorist attacks, is to create a preconceived “reign of terror, and then make ourselves appear as the saviors of the oppressed, and champions of the workers”, to quote Adam Wieshaupt, who then added, “And we are interested in just the opposite”.
(85% of these goals have been completed)

A U.S. Army Special Forces officer recently told me that the U.S. Government is operating a “huge” terrorist training camp in Greece. A reliable source has advised that Osama Bin Laden met with CIA representatives from July 4 through July 14, 2001 in the city of Dubai (member of the United Arab group). The CIA representatives returned to the United States on July 15, 2001.

The common denominator in all of the above-mentioned terrorist attacks is the Middle East connection. Did our intelligence agencies know in advance of these attacks? I think so. Should our intelligence agencies have known in advance of these attacks, even if they were not implicated? Yes. Did our intelligence agencies directly or indirectly participate in these terrorist attacks? I suspect so. Did these terrorist attacks occur in order to take away many of our civil liberties and Constitutional rights, in an effort to more effectively control the population, looking toward the Illuminati takeover of our country and the world? I believe so. But, don’t take my word for this: Research it for yourself. Refer to
org, or write to me for the information that I have obtained from my 23 years of research.

Ted Gunderson, Retired FBI Senior Special Agent In Charge
(Memphis, Dallas and Los Angeles Divisions)

God is Good. God Dag. Good Day.. and God riddens to the Lilith. The DARPA/NSA supercomputer is called Lilith.. a Demon in Greek mythology
Most obvious place of Lilith is in Yucca Mountain.. a boondogle of overspending.
It has self replicating systems that mirror the data storage of every human being on the planet. Lilith also is in many old Nike Missle silos and current missle silos. Mutually assured destruction from nuclear disaster is now something replaced with mutually assured torture and mutually assured murder, rape, disease. No God- No Good. UN inspection teams must now inspect inside the USA and make sure these systems are disconnected. The 1975 UN charter Artile 1 against mental and physical torture allows for inspection against torture makes this a world priority.

In memorium of Lt. Paul Reynolds who died Feb 27th 2007 at the

age of 41 from a heart attack from the Estero Florida Fire
Dept shortly after his shift.

Google Mk Ultra induce heart attack

The below individuals are directly linked to the torture of the world.
They must all be indicted and forced to stop using these weapons against the world ASAP. Each day more and more people die at the hands of these individuals. ALL CHEMTRAILS MUST STOP WORLDWIDE ASAP for them to be forgiven by God for attempting to play God. Stop the Chemtrails over the USA and stop them over Germany, Austria, Australia, the United Kingdom, Czech, Slovakia, Hungary.. etc..

These people have,manipulated the weather,created wars, caused death, disease for too long. Hurricane Charley in Florida as well as Hurricane Katrina was a HAARP weather manipulation
. Google--> "Project Seal", Google--> "Project Seal Tsunami Bomb". From the Union Carbide Chemical Leak that murderd over 1,000,000 people in Bhopal Inida
Decenber 23rd 1984 to the total elimination of families in upstate New York-Troy,Utica, etc. They must stop now. Good always triumphs over evil and there is only God and Good and not evil... they are guilty of worshiping false God's.. and for that they must pray to God for forgiveness.

They built their supercomputer in the DARPA/NSA network paid by hte taxpayers of the USA and named it Lilith (a Demon in Greek Mythology)...
God is Good and will strike down your Lilith with an emf pulse and render it a pile of scrap. Your underground installation may be in Yucca Mountain that houses this beast. Most propable boondogle and misappropriations of funds that has ever taken place.

Lt.Col. Oliver North

Ray S. Kline, PhD

Janet Morris

Dr. Steven White- D.O.-now runs health insurance companies in Boca Raton Florida. Ties to Velsicol Chemical Company from being the medical doctor in Marshall Illinois for the townspeople in the 1980's.
Marshall Illinois.

Google---> hexa chloro cyclo pentadiene cancer Velsicol

John B. Alexander, PhD

William Rigby-Allied Chemical Company, Esmark Chemical Company, Vigoro Chemical Company

Col. Richard M. Satava, MD

Lt.Cdr. Shaun B. Jones, MD

Edward A. Brown, PhD

Joseph C. Sharp, PhD

Maj.Gen. Albert Stubblebine III

Dr. Babij-Fort Lauderdale Florida Prof Fla Int University, torturer of Margie that worked under Janet Reno

Earl Brian, MD

Louis Jolyon West, MD

Christopher J. Lamb, PhD

Lt.Col. Robert Kocher

Lt.Gen. Leonard Perroots, USAF

Elliot Postow, Ph.D.

Louis J. Freeh

Copy and paste the link below into your browser. Myspace redirects it if it is hyperlinked.

John Wells

American Satellite Assault Survivor

It all started in 1993. I was listening to a nationally known talk show, and I decided to call the host. The question that I asked the host was not being answered, and I pressed the host to "answer the question." Apparently, the 'intelligence community' listens to the talk show. Unknown to me my phone call was traced, and as they say, the rest was history.


I have been under satellite assault continously since. My interest is hearing from others who have been, and continue to be sattelite assault victims to form a CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT against various U.S. Government Agencies and Employees.

See Images of Johns' Case and Emergency Room Visit Here
site suggestion
received 4-30 2003
Back to Victims Index

Cheryl Welsh
American Electronic Mind Control Victim
Cheryl Welsh coordinates efforts by victims and supporters to end oppressive mind control activities. Look for her works in the Archives and Resources pages.
In her account, Cheryl tells how she has been a victim since 1989.
She says:
" I would like to prevent victims from experiencing much of the pain that I went through by telling my testimony within the framework of background information and history on government weapon testing programs, especially radiation experimentation."

See my website at
for new postings. Here is an excerpt, that I hope will interest you. Please let me know your ideas and thoughts. Cheryl Welsh, Director, Mind Justice Formaly known as Cahra

UNIDIR Media Guide to Disarmament cited Cahra and my article in which I discuss mind control technology and weapons which target the brain, and illegal experimentation. A 2001 Model UN also cited my article. Here is the post for my website, below. One of Cahra's goal will be to work on a coalition to ban mind control weapons and nonconsensual experimentation, as blinding lasers were banned.
Cheryl Welsh, director of Cahra listed as one of six Non-Lethal Weapons Experts in the world in UNIDIR, United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research 2002 Media Guide to Disarmament in Geneva.
For full Media Guide see
Cahra is listed on page 25.
Media Guide cites Welsh article "Non-lethal weapons-A global issue" at

2001 Model United Nations Conference at University of Northern Iowa, UNI, cites Cahra article. High schools from throughout Iowa and the nation come to the IHS Model UN Spring Conference held at UNI. See

Also see Cheryl's section in the Archives, her CNN interview, and the Mind Justice organization and web site.
You can E-Mail Cheryl
Back to Victims Index

Eleanor White
Canadian Victim of Mind Control Harassment
Eleanor White has been a target of mind control harassment since 1980. She lives in Hamilton, Ontario Canada, and maintains a web site about mind control which emphasizes factual information, in particular:
- the MKULTRA atrocities
- the UNclassified (non-secret) but now obsolete technologies which can be used to target unsuspecting individuals.
Eleanor's web site is at:

Eleanor has had a career in mechanical and electrical engineering and is a ham radio operator (VE3LKE). She has experimented extensively with shielding, detection and countermeasures. As a result of several years of first-person experiments, and hearing reports from other victims, she is now convinced that today's mind control activity is being carried on by the use of advanced physics, not known to s

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