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"Sez who?" is a good question... by fledgling ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)

Date:   8/24/2008 5:56:26 PM ( 17 y ago)
Hits:   1,532

Around here we get to know each other as team members.

We share what interests us; what we tried; and what happened. And each of us weighs every possibility for its usefulness to us...and its potential to help another.

We know when we feel a piece of information is worth passing on, and give warnings to the best of our ability.

If we are very uncertain, we keep shut.

Fair enough.

But, what about this?

What if the maker of a product gives 'information' that sounds credible and attractive, but is incomplete...simply to sell lots of his product?

What if a 'seller' does it for him?

Or, what if the 'seller' gathers lots of pieces of 'information', doesn't sell a single 'product', and only fetches customers for paid advertisers?

Words are big business these days. In fact, words make more money for the canny seller than do 'products'.

With 'products' right away quick you have liability insurance, and lots of other costs...and well as advertising costs.

If I were out to make a million, I'd be the advertiser for other people's 'products'.

Then I'd get myself some sweet young things to sell advertising space; someone to run a small office; a really good wordsmith or a researcher to dig up old articles.

Years and years ago, someone said that, with editing and taking statements out of context, you could make a politician, or anyone, APPEAR to say anything.

(LOTS of humor is manufactured this way.)

Then comes along the 'spin doctor', and, in politics, the fighting got dirty...and dirtier.

Some people are good enough at smoke and mirrors that they can set themselves up as espousing one popular point of view, and be entirely about discrediting it.

There are dozens of other ways of flim-flamming the public, or anyone, as well...usually with just words.

Proposals and contracts are often loaded with 'schemes'...frequently in what they DON'T say.

We are awash in an ocean of words, my friends. And, the divil take the hindmost.

People aren't stupid. But some word-merchants are...why would they waste their credibility, their most important asset, on fly-by-night advertising schemes? Get in; get it over with; and get out.

(I got that sentence from a Danny Kaye movie, just to keep the record straight.)

The site I got that John W. Ray article from is an advertising company, I am pretty sure. They give no indication of who is the site owner, that I could see.

I think the article is there only to attract people to the advertisers.

They don't even say WHEN it was written...nor is there any reference to any 'Body Electronics' organization we can contact today. (There may be one, but it isn't referenced in the article. Nor is there any mention of the fact that the author is dead, that I could see.)

So, the questions, "Sez who?" and, "Why?" are perfectly legitimate...and enlightening.

But...does any of this make the proposal untrue...or even true? I don't think so.

I think we must judge the 'information' given, on its own merits...just as we must judge for ourselves if a CureZone member's opinion is worthwhile and useful to us.



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