Re: more grass questions (edit)... by megan ..... Raw Food: The Vegetarian/Vegan
Date: 8/20/2008 7:36:45 AM ( 17 y ago)
Hits: 8,559
thanks...I just buy produce at a local store, although at least they are a small organic place, and the food seems better quality than other places I've been. in the summer, they carry produce grown by farmers here, or things that can be grown here. but...produce grown from medium that's been build up, I'm sure it's not this good.
I'd love to grow more of my own. I don't have the set up yet (or knowledge), but maybe just starting with some sprouts, I can do that.
for juicing, I use a hippocrates (like a kempo) for greens, and also have a champion juicer for other things like fruit that the hippocrates doesn't do well. years ago, I had a manual press juicer for greens. I got the wrong one, it was metal and had to be washed and dried right away, otherwise it would rust. too much work, and it still started to rust even when I did this, I guess not well enough though...BUT...the juice, was better. in both taste and vibrant feel, than juice from my hippocrates. one day I should get another one, the plastic type though.
what juicer do you use?
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