I have been posting here about a cyst on my kidney. Here's the history.
January 2008 - After a dance party and lot of food I had pain on my left side of the stomach and above my left groin. It felt like something was dislodged. Before this night I was only eating raw foods.
March 2008 - I actually felt a lump on the left side, which was round and hard. The pain above the groin was not there at the time.
qApril 2008 – I had my annual check up and had sonogram done in the area I had pain. Yes, they said that I had a kidney cyst.
May 2008 - I started lot more Lugol’s than ever, 50 drops a day. I went up to 60 drops and felt a slight chest pains so dropped down to 50 drops a day. I also did vitamin C and sea salt pushes in the evening. Many people here on CZ told me that I have to eat cooked foods. The dampness from raw is not good, make cyst grow. So I started eating 50% cooked foods. I also took Yoga and meditation classes. But Yoga got harder as I felt light headed when I stood up after sitting down on the floor. I stopped Yoga after a month. I also started taking Taurine, enzymes, probiotics, vitamin B2, Selenium, Red Clover, Chlorella, spiriluna and iron. Iron because my blood test had shown that my iron was a bit low.
June 2008 – I tried to do 5 day fast and gave up in two days because I felt very week.
July 2008 – Started Dr. Shulze’s 5 day colon cleanse. Felt good, but no change in the cyst. After that I did liver Flush (Dr. Clark protocol), first day cyst was still there. Next day it felt like it is totally gone. Even when I pressed hard in that area there was no bump. Week later I did Dr. Shulze’s 5 day Liver Cleanse. The Cyst comes back. Few days later did Dr. Shulze’s Kidney/Bladder flush. The Cyst grew even bigger.
August 2008 – I have another cyst above the groin area where I had pain before. This is much smaller long cyst. When I breath deep it hurts there.
I will fast next week. It would be hard for me to go to work, but I have to do it. I think the stress is doing this because I eat mostly organic foods and cooked foods like rice and beans mix and seeds and fruits. I have stopped taking all supplements I took before.
I also have a lot of pain in my left knee and it is hard for me to walk and go up and down the stairs. My left knee is swollen and at times the pain travels to my left ankle.