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Re:megan juice question. by grassman ..... Raw Food: The Vegetarian/Vegan

Date:   8/18/2008 12:26:17 AM ( 17 y ago)
Hits:   8,236

Im not currently growing grass but Im growing alot of sunflower and some buckwheat greens.In a few weeks when cooler weather comes I will start growing some flats of barley.I generally grow around 50-75lbs. of grass a year mainly in the spring and fall.A little grass juice goes along way and consumption depends on how clean the body is.I like to drink 6-8ozs. a day in 2 servings and the energy serge is simply awesome.The potential of seed time and harvest is unlimited as is the potential of humanity.I dont consider grass juice a cure-all but simply a food that can greatly bless the body in an intense fashion.It is a powerhouse from an enzymatic standpoint and one must chew this juice very well in order to maximize the potential of the juice itself.The taste of grass juice can make this difficult for most people.I have some pics. of my sprouts in the Image Gallery in the photos section under grassmans sprouts.

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