Re: hey grassman by grassman ..... Raw Food: The Vegetarian/Vegan
Date: 8/17/2008 11:59:56 PM ( 17 y ago)
Hits: 8,315
How far along are the sprouts when you exspose them to the great outdoors?Sprouts are sensitive and seeds exsposed to early to indirect sunlight wont grow.Most greenhouse growers use sprout grade seed with a high protein ratio to ensure uniform sprouting and growth.I mainly grow barley and leave them in the basement untill the sprouts are 2-4 inches tall.Some of the lower protein/weak seeds will be shorter but will survive inside of shade cloth and the yield is 8-12 ounces depending on the weather conditions.Barley has a lower protein content than wheat so patience is very important from a yield stand point.
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