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Welcome to CureZone Vanja! For 8 years I have been waiting for this day! It's time. by Webmaster ..... Ask Vanja

Date:   8/4/2008 1:22:20 PM ( 17 y ago)
Hits:   7,635

Welcome to CureZone Vanja!

To my CureZone friends:
Vanja is a person who was cooking food for me while CureZone was going through the greatest crisis ever.

It was April 1st 2007, when server dedicated to CureZone was mistakenly, completely erased by technicians. A case of mistaken identity from my side.

All what was left was 45 days old backup (90 days in case of blogs).

I discovered the problem on April 2nd, and was working day and night for 10 days to get the site back.

I needed the highest quality foods, to be able to work 20 - 30 hours in a raw without sleep, and Vanja was making it.

Vanja is a person who guided hundreds of people dealing with incurable and chronic illness. Often, she was the one making foods for them. She was the one giving them Shiatsu massage, teaching them qigong, yoga etc.

Vanja is also a practitioner of Hellinger's Constellation Therapy.

I am sure Vanja will be a great teacher to CureZone visitors.
Forgive her for her poor knowledge of English language, it is not her first language.


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