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You Need This by High on Water ..... Ask CureZone Community

Date:   7/30/2008 6:13:24 PM ( 17 y ago)
Hits:   7,348

I absolutely love and adore pizza too but that's something ANYone should never ever eat. Unless there is NO protein on it...IOW, no cheese, no meat. This was my first clue from reading your post.

Grain and animal protein does not mix; they simply cannot be properly digested when eaten together...impossible.

I was allergic to many things all my life. Iodine supplementation took care of it. How'd I learn this?:

Please listen to this...please...I implore you. It saved my life, and I read, read, and read some more because of listening to this wonderfully full-of-info-audio.


PS: I was allergic to cats, like you describe your allergy to cinnamon. Guess what? I can now hold a cat, and stick my nose deep into its fur, and not even sneeze. I started supplementing Iodine on 1/26/07.

with love

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