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Re: How safe & effective is Hydrocortisone for AF by Vernal ..... Adrenal Fatigue Forum

Date:   7/23/2008 10:54:33 PM ( 17 y ago)
Hits:   34,054

Sorry for your trouble. Actually your scores are all low. The so-called "normal" ranges that are used are not that valid. A healthy level is much higher in the range than what you have. Your levels are a little lower than mine were when I first tested, but not much lower. I was told by several moderators at the website which helped me that isocort would not help me, and my doctor agreed(I see a specialist and not an endocrinologist). It does not hurt to use isocort if you want to try it; I'm just guessing it won't help much. But it is either that or hydrocortisone or medrol, in that order of strength.
Because of your history, and having your thyroid removed, I feel you need professional guidance--more than you can receive here. But you need a good doctor who understands all your issues, and that is rare. If you can travel to northern Calif. let me know and I can tell you who I see. You only have to see him in person once a year, then he can do the rest on the phone. I do think he could help you. He told me of one patient who was too scared to take meds. He finally convinced her to try something which helped her sleep at night, reduced her stress, and she is much better.
How long did I have adrenal fatigue before treating? Adrenal fatigue is a matter of degree. I probably had it to some extent for a few years, maybe longer. I started taking HC(hydrocortisone)within a few months of feeling very sick. It took me two months to figure out what was wrong. If your doc that you see now suggests HC in divided doses that total 25 to 35 mg. than that is reasonable. But it would still be better if you could see someone who is able to see the whole picture.
Dr. Wilson's book is extremely good if one can follow many of his suggestions, such as regarding sleeping, eating, etc. But the supplements are not useful for someone as sick as you are(in my opinion, I'm not a doctor).
If you are not working and can do it, it's good to go to sleep by tenpm and to stay in bed til 9am. Or you can get up for a while and go back to bed. I used to sleep twelve hours or so, which did help me function better the rest of the day.

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