No Spiritual Surrender by theweakarefree ..... Body Odor Forum
Date: 7/22/2008 6:49:56 PM ( 17 y ago)
Hits: 1,617
Our struggle is a spiritual struggle.
Let me first say that I am so thankful for Arun and the scientific mind he brings to our discussions. Can you guys imagine where we would be without him right now? He is a fighter for all of us.
I love science, and I believe the physical reality of our BO will be cured by some scientific means.
But there are 2 seperate aspects of a BO condition:
1. The physical reality that our bodies produce and odor, for whatever reason.
2. The psychological, or non-physical, or spiritual reality of what our BO has done to us emotionally.
In the deepest sense, we have become slaves to our condition.
How many times have you found that you order your life around this condition; whether it is by avoiding certain jobs, settling for less-than-healthy relationships, or spiraling into deeper and deeper depressions every time you get a comment.
The more and more I talk to all of you, I am beginning to understand the reality that this is a kind of spiritual slavery. I see myself in so many of you. If there were any condition that affects one's life down to his or her very soul, it is a BO condition.
So why do we neglect the spiritual aspect of our lives? Why do we look at this condition like it is a purely scientific disorder?
The reality is that our healing, our cure, will come when we begin to focus on both parts of this condition: the physical and the non-physical. There are ways to manage this disorder in the physical realm and there are also ways to manage it in the spiritual realm.
One of the things I see in so many of us is that we are neglecting our spiritual health in favor of our scientific health. Don't do this. The body cannot be healthy if your soul is enslaved.
Reach out to the group...get on the conference calls, start calling people, start e-mailing people you haven't e-mailed yet. Your soul is just as important as your phyisical body and you need other people in your life to be whole. We need people in our lives who can connect with us down to the deepest levels, and I haven't found any other person who can do that other than another BO person. We need each other more than we even realize. When we isolate ourselves and don't reach out to each other, we our destroying our own souls, I have seen it happen so many times in my own life and in many of yours.
So my question is: How is your soul? Does your soul need to be healing just like your physical body?
Well, I don't have the cure for the physical aspect of our BO condition, but I have found the cure for the spiritual aspect, and that is reaching out and developing relationships with people like myself. I really believe that we will, one day, all come around to the fact that this spiritual war we are waging can be overcome when we fight in it together.
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