Re: A message for chemtrails naysayers: 2006 GAO report admits "chaff" by #69242 ..... Chemtrails Debate Forum
Date: 7/21/2008 4:55:16 PM ( 17 y ago)
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Thats the thing DQ, I have lived in various parts of New England for the past 20 years and have never seen any of this stuff. I have been living in the same area now for 11 years and rarely see any planes of any sort. There certainly are many holes, or at the very least unanswered questions with the whole chemtrail notion. There are a lot of people who live in Europe and Canada who are reporting chemtrails. Who is responsible for this? Were the programs developed independantly or is there an international conspiracy? The notion of cooperation between many nations makes it harder to believe because it greatly increases (by many fold) the number of people who would have to be involved and keep their mouth shut. After Dubya we are not on overly friendly terms with many nations. I did read a bunch of Sunver's posts. The red wine spit test ain't worth the alcohol in the wine. There is no control - even if everyone tests positive now you need to compare that to reference samples taken before spraying occured, plus they can't definitively say what exactly is showing up in the tests, just that it looks close to what they say is being sprayed. Considering I have yet to see it with my own eyes it is going to take more then just anecdotal evidence to convince me that it it as widespread as some report. I certainly reserve the right to change my opinion in the future.
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