Re: GOOD!!!! by julieuma ..... Iodine Supplementation Support by VWT Team
Date: 7/3/2008 11:10:56 PM ( 17 y ago)
Hits: 5,579
I'm puzzled, as I never had this before my flirtation with iodine. I
never had a reaction to bread or rice or whatever gluten I ate. I
used to eat quite a bit of rice, and years back, a sandwich every
day. But I was younger then (when I ate the sandwiches) so that may
account for it. I have a feeling that this gluten sensitivity is
secondary to whatever dysbiosis is going on with me, and that once
that is straightened out, I will show normal gluten tolerance. We'll
see. I have a hard time giving up oatmeal, as it's one of the last things
I have not given up eating. I've given up so many things, incl. dairy.
I've tried other cereals and don't like them as much. But *sigh* I may
just have to give it up for now, and start using quinoa or spelt till
I get over this. so sick of all this dietary regulation--I just wish
I could be a breatharian and have done with eating altogether!!!!!
Thanks for your prayers--I can use them right about now! (I have been
praying quite a bit lately--not only for me, but for the poor souls
in the Big Sur/Carmel Valley/Santa Barbara area who have had homes
burned down and lost animals, etc., and been displaced. This is quite
a cleansing the state is going through. Seems like so many are
experiencing very harsh tests now--trial by water, trial by fire,
trial by ether (chemtrails). Very hard times--hard to remain equanimous
in the crucible of these life-changing events.)
xoxo back
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