Re: Chlorella et al by poupoule ..... Ask Charlie
Date: 7/1/2008 9:38:22 PM ( 17 y ago)
Hits: 1,521
I am beginning to see a difference in what you say about absorbing vitamines, proteins and minerals. After two weeks of using your tonic, my nails (which have always been as thin as paper) have stopped breaking, are starting to harden and the white stains I had on them are gone. Eventhough my bowel movements have been still a bit on the slow side are getting better also. My skin which breaks out in pimples even at 55 (still an adolescent at heart I guess..) are gone.
I am having bad insomnia still and have a test overdue for hepC but I am posponing it till I feel I have improved enough to make a real difference.
Thank you Charlie! XXX
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