Re: How pH Levels and Acidity Relate to Heartburn by Karlin ..... News Forum
Date: 6/30/2008 11:22:09 AM ( 17 y ago)
Hits: 2,575
I would just give a word of caution about trying to mess with the acid levels - when we take something [such as ant-acids or proton pump inhibitors, or even "naturals"] to lower the acid in the digestive tract, including the stomach, the body reacts by producing large amounts of acid. That happens because WE NEED that part to be acidic.
It is a myth to think that we can simply control these things, and that we know best. [be carefull what you wish for, because it might come true that you actually lower the digestive acids when in fact we need them!!]
I looked at the link to the author's website, and there are good things there such as detoxing etc.
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