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Re: WF10/MMS Silverfox Question by jonsher_uk ..... MMS - Miracle Mineral Solution Debate

Date:   6/29/2008 1:09:05 PM ( 16 y ago)
Hits:   7,490

Ok I was thinking much the same thing but I couldn't quite work out what was meant by a chemically stabilised chlorite solution before.
Having looked into all the information I could find, I now think, and I wanted to know what you thought about it, that what they are talking about is not sodium chlorite but another chlorite containing molecule which is stable when in the blood
and does not release chlorine dioxide in the same way if at all.
They are saying the active ingredient in the current WF10 is Tetrachlorodecaoxide(TCDO) which is the chlorite containing ingredient but in the patent they said any stabilised chlorite solution would do though TCDO was the preferred ingredient, which makes me think that by chemically stabilised they do not mean sodium chlorite
The formula for TCDO is H2Cl4O11-4

Also I found this

'AIDS: A U.S. study of WF10, a mixture of Hydrogen Peroxide and bleach, suggested that WF10 improves the function of macrophages, damages HIV once WF10 is released by an infected cell, enhances resistance to infections, and does not interfere with AZT or ddI activity. WF10 does not show any toxicity in the liver, bone marrow, or kidneys; side effects were mild and temporary. WF10 is available from Canada through Health Canada's Special Access Programme and costs approximately $1,200 to $1,600 per cycle.'

which is perhaps a descriiption of TCDO or something similar

and this

'Comparative study on the effects of chlorite oxygen reaction product TCDO (tetrachlorodecaoxygen) and sodium chlorite solution (NaClO2) with equimolar chlorite content on bone marrow and peripheral blood of BDIX rats.Kempf SR, Blaszkiewitz K, Reim M, Ivankovic S.
German Cancer Research Centre, Institute for Toxicology and Chemotherapy, Heidelberg.

The effects of the chlorite-oxygen reaction product TCDO (tetrachlorodecaoxygen, active ingredient of the systemic application form of WF 10) were investigated on bone marrow and peripheral blood of BDIX rats in comparison to a sodium chlorite solution with a chlorite content identical to that of WF 10. Despite difficulties in determining the chemical differences between TCDO and a sodium chlorite solution, their differing effects on cells, tissue and organism were striking. The following characteristics have been observed: Stimulation of the bone marrow, evidenced by the pronounced increase in mature granulocytes, pronormo- and normoblasts, or increased cell proliferation rate, determined by means of the BrdUrd method, was achieved only with WF 10 (TCDO). Stimulation of the bone marrow led in turn to increased numbers of leucocytes and monocytes in the peripheral blood. In addition, WF 10 induced the production of large granular lymphocytes (LGLs), referred to as natural killer cells (NK-cells). In contrast, NaClO2 solution suppressed bone marrow function, exhibiting a toxic effect when given on a long-term basis. At the same time the number of mature granulocytes as well as pronormo- and normoblasts decreased, while the presence of LGLs was not observed. The results showed that TCDO is a potent stimulator of the bone marrow function and an effective modulator of the entire immune system. The toxic effect of chlorite, derived from the TCDO matrix, is not noticeable, being completely compensated by the favourable effects of TCDO.'

which seems to mean that sodium chlorite solution does not have the same immune enhancing properties as TCDO and therefore Miracle-Mineral-Supplement is not going to have the same effect though it may have another effect on the immune system.
This is a bit disappointing if it is true.
It is also pointed out in the patent that previous patents had used chlorine dioxide
to sterilise blood without success presumably due to the ClO2 attacking the RBCs in preference to the bacteria.
It may be though that the RBCs were taking up the ClO2 or that they were unable protect themselves outside the blood plasma. So they concluded ClO2 could not be used internally
Also you mentioned a patent a while back for blood sterilisation with ClO2
but this was done with the addition of an isotonic solution of RBC reducing enzymes
to protect the RBCs which apparantly didnt reduce the effectiveness of the CLO2
There is more info relating to this but I think that sums it up

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