Re: [SALIVA RESULTS HERE] What should I do now? by 10selection10 ..... Adrenal Fatigue Forum
Date: 6/21/2008 1:43:30 AM ( 17 y ago)
Hits: 6,110
I got the testing kit from my naturopath. It's from neuroscience. I also got a hair mineral analysis done, which shows I'm deficient in a lot of minerals.
This is a good website that gives some places where you can order it by yourself though:
"LAB WORK from VRP (Vitamin Research Products), an excellent site where you can choose from a variety of saliva tests, including the four times a day cortisol, plus sex hormones and thyroid and others. The following link will take you to their saliva article page with links on the right for different testing.
LAB WORK from ZRT LABORATORIES where you can test one hormone at a time. They also offer a blood prick test on top of the saliva, which can be helpful to detect antibodies, since saliva misses them for some. For adrenals, you’ll want the ADRENAL FUNCTION TEST
LAB WORK from Canary Club. Not a lab facility, but a website where you can choose between Diagnos-Tech or ZRT labs for special prices. The saliva tests are for a full spectrum: thyroid (TSH, free T3, free T4), adrenals (cortisol and DHEA), estrogen, progesterone, testosterone. ZRT includes a blood prick test on top of the saliva.
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