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Re: And who wouldn’t presume such a thing? by Ohfor07 ..... News Forum

Date:   6/20/2008 11:08:06 PM ( 17 y ago)
Hits:   1,997

A recent trend I've been noticing around here is that a local doctor has been prescribing vitamin D for many of the older folks. There are a few retired nurses within my family and they tend to be plugged into the steady stream of grapevine, scuttlebutt and gossips about who it is around town that saw the doctor for this, that, the other, and what the diagnosis was. When visiting, whether I want to or not, I tend to pickup some of this kind of news secondhand. I get the impression that many in town have been sold on prescriiption Vitamin D being the greatest thing to come along since Geritol for iron poor blood. This is a relatively small rural area, so this one doc is THE family doctor for quite a few folks in the area. In the back of my mind I have been at least a bit curious if Doc is perhaps the beneficiary of incentives from the patent owners of prescriiption D. Anyway, perhaps this is some commercial balance in play. For years young folks have been encouraged to do the Dew. Now granny and pap can do the D right along side them ;)

Meanwhile, I know a good hand full of people who are afraid to spend time in the sun because they one time had some sort of blemish show up on their skin, perhaps on their cheek, forehead, or arm, maybe a mole, lesion or the like, and while the doctor (not necessarily the same doc as above) did not diagnose as cancer, they nonetheless strongly advised patients to avoid the sun like it was the plague, and IF/WHEN this can not be avoided, be sure to load up on sun screen.

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