Re: Please help me figure out what to do by johny apple bomb ..... Depression Forum
Date: 6/18/2008 8:08:33 AM ( 17 y ago)
Hits: 3,095
Since you don't drink. This supplement increases the serotonin but you should be careful if your already on anti depressants.
For women.
From the Griffonia Seed.
Get natural nutritional support for your mental and emotional well-being with 5-HTP. A unique compound extracted from griffonia beans, 5-HTP works naturally within the body to promote healthy levels of serotonin, a hormone that helps regulate mood and sleep patterns. Our convenient capsules provide 50 mg of pure 5-HTP for dependable everyday supplementation
Lemon cleansing drink.
To mix activated water, use the following quantities:
8 oz (237 ml) water
1 oz (30 ml) aloe Vera juice
1 tsp (5 ml) honey
juice of ½ lemon
Trace Minerals (ionic plant sourced), in the amount recommended by the manufacturer
Make sure the minerals you use are ionic trace minerals from a plant source. One is a product named "Cell Food," but there are numerous others. The key is to be sure it is plant sourced. Each ionic trace mineral product has its own suggested amount for daily use. Some say eight drops of a liquid while others indicate two tablespoons, etc. Simply follow the manufacturer's suggested daily portion size and include that in your morning activated water. Shake the mixture about ten times to activate the minerals.
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