Re: Rethinking Birthright citizenship means what exactly? by rudenski ..... Politics Debate Forum
Date: 6/17/2008 3:33:47 PM ( 17 y ago)
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Unless you are the one being refused citizenship or someone you love is one of those refused citizenship, how would you know? When you are in the in group, sundowning those
not like you could make perfect sense but when it is your child, I bet you would believe differently. What is the final solution for Ron Paul anti-immigration legislation? Do you really want a whole race of millions of children in the United States not protected under the Rights that American Citizenship implies? To take their birthright away would discourage immersion into American society and create an underclass without access the same resources of the millions of children around them. They will still be here with citizenship or not-separate but unequal. Some of my own children are are already contributors to their community, attending college, and paying taxes. If you take their citizenship, they would still be here but they would be an underclass not allowed the same services as their neighbors. If you can not see this as racism then perhaps discrimination is a better word for it? But in Ron Paul's world, the only discrimination is reverse discrimination.
I admire Ron Paul's stand on the war and nation building but when he wants to start telling me my children should not have been given American Citizenship because their mother is Mexican, I have no choice but to resist his solutions to immigration. In my opinion, a new born child can not defend herself so those who can should. There are other solutions to the immigration issue such as stopping the influx of illegal aliens before they cross the border. Once they are here, a child born in America is still American. At least for now. In my opinion, given the same opportunities, they will become contributors to society. Withheld from the same rights as others called Americans while they are just nomads, they will become liabilities.
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