Re: Digestion problem - Please answer by jivemama ..... Miracle Mineral Solution MMS Forum
Date: 6/17/2008 8:07:44 AM ( 17 y ago)
Hits: 6,161
Thanks for answering! There is gas definitely - LOL. Just ask my husband. But it manifests more as belches than coming from the rear. It starts with a sharp pain, maybe a buildup of pressure. Then suddenly the pressure & pain releases inside my stomach/intestines, followed by much movement & noise. This happens over, and over down the line, as my abdomen becomes very distended.
I am taking Miracle-Mineral-Supplement for sinus problems: recurrent infections over a year & 1/2 + surgery on sinuses and septum. Still I am fighting illness constantly. I developed asthma. The naturopath did a kinesiology test. He said it was a heavy metal buildup suppressing my immune system. The Miracle-Mineral-Supplement caused a high volume production of phlegm from the sinuses and drowsiness at 1st. Then a high volume of white foam from the sinuses! Then some stinky, dark green material from the sinuses....Now we're back to some phlegm & white foam.
Another side effect: very bad acne! At the age of 45.
I'd like to have the drowsiness effect back at night. That was good. I was able to cut back on sleep meds.But I'll be happy to just have normal sinuses and be able to digest again. Oh yeah, and clear skin :-)
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