Round 1 Humaworm done, liver flush done! Happy days! by gctaylor ..... Ask Humaworm: Parasites
Date: 6/16/2008 4:30:01 PM ( 17 y ago)
Hits: 2,415
R.G., I can't thank you enough. You have given me back my life, and even if I am not completely cured yet, I have seen definite improvement and plan to continue at least 2 more rounds. Oh, and thanks for the in-between herbs formula capsules, I'm one of those people for whom putting spices on food is a chore.
After 3 years of not being able to do the simplest things due to the severe fatigue of fibromyalgia, yesterday I was able to vacuum and mop the whole house! \o/ It may seem trivial and a bit crazy that that is what I chose to do with my newfound energy, but it means a great deal to me. I haven't had a flareup since the second "detox" week and my "normal" ankle pain is a fraction of what it was before.
My mother is ecstatic, and can't believe it, but she's afraid to tell more than her closest friends that her daughter "had worms". (Sad, but what you gonna do?) My husband is low-key kind of guy, but I can tell that he is also very happy to have the woman he married back.
*big big hugs all around*
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