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excellent! by miss helfinger ..... The V and G Forum

Date:   6/5/2008 7:23:47 PM ( 17 y ago)
Hits:   1,918

I'll be right there.

My family used to bitch about yankees throughout my childhood - the term seemed to be subjective. Then a big family from a ritzy town in Connecticut moved in down the street and I understood. They complained about our motorcycles, carpentry noise...very strange people. Couldn't handle anything out of the 'norm.'

I agree. Anymore yankees move to Austin and it'll be even more commercialized - ruined! BTW - since I'm not in on the 'buzz' anymore - why did Austin vote against "Villa Muse"?

We were moving back sooner than later as my man is a sound tech. What happened? Why would the city vote against something that was not a corporate system moving in? How come they dragged their feet? It's ok for Samsung and Dell to run everything but the more lefty artists and movie-people couldn't get them to make a decision? Why???

And I agree - Texas is NOT for the meek. I moved because I needed a break from the heat. Now - I know why snow sucks so hard. It doesn't last 72 hours like it does during a Texas storm - it lasts for up to 9 months! I'm freezin' my arse off. Bleh.

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