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Re: make your own for free (ion foot spa)part 2 instructions inside!!!!pictures by badfungi ..... Ionic Foot Bath Forum

Date:   6/2/2008 11:22:40 PM ( 17 y ago)
Hits:   18,264

well i went to a spa this last friday and used there ionic foot spa for $30 dollars for 30 mins.So i did research online and made mine 2 days later this sunday.It works literaly the exact same as the spa one minus the lcd screen and timer settings.there cost 1500 dollars.they used stainless steel plates.they look a little different but its all about the electrolisis process of negative and postive ions.2 other of my family have used it ive used it 3 times.
no precaution.just make sure you use the battery maintainer i suggested 1.5 amps and dc 6 to 12 volts.
12 for feet and 6 for hands i havent done hands yet.

time 30 mins a session.
the spa said once a week for 12 .

make sure you put one to two teaspoons of Sea Salt with mineral and let it dissolve completely before you begin and make sure the water is hot as possible as u can stand so it open you pours. that what the spa said and i have read on the internet.

Some one that make plates online says they will last 100 times.
make sure you use stainless steel!!!!!!!
i got just regular steel plates to see if it would work as the exact same as spa.
I got at homedpot steal plates to test, because the steel places are closed on sunday.
So your gonna have to get them at steel places.

So they should last 100 times
theres a list of what the color of the water will look like depends on what it pulls of list below

hope that helps it took me about 2 hours to build because i had trouble cutting the plastic knife cutting board and it took 8 hours for the glue to dry.
ITS very very easy to make.
(you can get all of stuff at walmart besides the stainless steel which you get at the steel shop.)

hope that helps
if you need any more help let me know.

yahweh is the father and yahshua the messiyah


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