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Re: Micropigmentation: Tattooing for Medical Purposes by rot ..... Folliculitis Forum

Date:   5/25/2008 7:31:36 AM ( 17 y ago)
Hits:   3,260

Hi Follicle

Thats a really interesting article.

I've written before about the option of surgical excision of the greater scar area, drawing the wound together and closing the gap. This would reduce the wide scarring of the FD to a single thin scar line, around which the hair could regrow normally. I think that the tattoo option in this article would be well suited to this surgical procedure.

I've decided not to opt for this surgical procedure, mostly because of cost, and secondly because of a fear of developing a keloid - which might be worse than my current scar'n'shave look which I have made peace with long ago.

My own scarring is irregular and about 6-8 cm in diameter so I'm doubtful that straight tattooing would be of benefit. Also, being more colorfully tattooed already, I've talked with my tattooist about scar tissue, and he says that its very hit and miss in regards to holding ink, and he always prefers to tattoo around a scar.

Again though - to camouflage a surgical scar beneath hair regrowth, I think the micropigmentation tattoo is a brilliant idea.


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