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Re: itching/jaundice by ajgasper ..... Liver Flush Support Forum

Date:   5/18/2008 5:20:45 AM ( 17 y ago)
Hits:   3,053

Hi Jen,

Two weeks ago I did a sixth LF, and broke out in hives. This had not happened in previous flushes. The last flush produced a lot of green and brown chaff. I usually get bright green stones a half centimeter or less in size, even though there have been an occasional dark green stone. The only times I get hives are a result of an allergic reaction to bee stings. So I'm thinking the venom poison had been sitting in my liver and was released. If so, the last time I was stung was six years ago, and the first time I had a reaction was 38 years ago when I was stung 17 times in the face. So, my next flushes are going to be interesting.

I did a mustard soak/bath, oil pull every day, and in the bad spots apply a Sunflower and Caster oil mixture. The mustard bath eliminated the majority of the hives. As a warning, make sure someone is near by. I almost passed out after 20 minutes, and barely had strength to get out of the tub. I still have some itching, but the OP takes care of that, and once in a while have an itchy spot that I use the Sunflower and Caster Oil on. I use 8 tbl Sunflower to 1 tbl Caster Oil. If you have oily skin you can do 7 tbl Sunflower to 3 tbl Caster Oil. I use Seseme Oil for the Oil Pulling. There is a forum on OP if you want to check it out.

For the sickness. Make sure your colon is clean before you do a LF, and make double sure after. When that stuff comes out your liver, you want it out of your system as fast as possible.

Two days ago I started having lower back pain, pain in the shoulder blade areas, and a real sharp pain on my right side. I am also tender from the top of the hip bone to the bottom of my rib cage on the right side. I was going to wait another week to Liver-Flush to get more of the toxins out, but with this pain, I started preping yesterday. When the pain is real bad I add 2 tbl of Apple Cider Vinegar and a tbl of Sea Salt to 16 oz of water.

None of this is a cure, but they do make the symptoms tolerable. I try to do LF's at least three weeks apart. Less than that for me places strain on my body. My pH levels drop, and I have problems hydrating if I do them too often.

Anyway, hope this helps.


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