Re: c5, c6 by knows ..... Ask Dr. Sutter
Date: 5/7/2008 10:16:29 AM ( 17 y ago)
Hits: 1,906
It's a two way street. Of course organs reflex back to the specific vertebra in the spine. Then it's a matter of what came first? The organic poisoning or the vertebral subluxation.
At this time in history the poisons and parasites in society are doing a number on people. If the organs are poisoned the spine CAN'T stay mechanically correct. You can chase that mechanical weakness around forever and make a lot of money doing so but until the systemic poisoning is addressed you'll go round and round.
Fortunately all most people need is a good colon cleanse but for any disease process the liver is going to have to be addressed if you expect mechanical stability. Parasites and decongestion.
But yeah, everything relates back to the spine and ultimately to the brain. But again it's a two way street. Did the subluxation cause the deficiency or the other way around. Plus the body is in a constant state of adaptation and correction. One day you readings are this the next day they're that. If you have lower cervical problems it's a pretty sure bet there's something going on at C1&2, and even L5.
Balance the spine first, if the problem persists consider the nutritional deficiencies. In that case "Clean & Feed".
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