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Re: Turned YELLOW after putting less lemon juice.. OK? White House apple juice? by r4000 ..... Miracle Mineral Solution MMS Forum

Date:   4/29/2008 1:04:34 PM ( 17 y ago)
Hits:   4,437

You are better off using citric acid as the pH of lemon/limes can vary
citric acid is much more effective and easier to use.

Lemon juice is ghtyellow,thus...

When use use Miracle-Mineral-Supplement (xxx drops) then you add citric acid activator(YYY drops) into your glass yuo mix it up,wait 3 mins and then add DISTILLED WATER or juice containing ZERO vitamin C or ascorbic acid.It must be PURE JUICE.
However some juices made from acerola,goji,inca berries,etc do have a high vitamin C content to begin with..

Using apples for the juice is the best option-on the on the bottle(read the ingredients) it must say made from fresh apples only,not concentrate,no sugar,no sweetener,no vitamin C(ascorbic acid) or potassium sorbate etc..

Such fresh 100%, just apples juice ,is usually dark brown and the taste is a bit sour(you cannot drink a lot of the stuff at one time)

What I do after adding the apple juice ,I add a few onces of distilled/demineralized water and drink it..
This way the sour apple juice taste does not get to you..If you put too much pure apple juice and take Miracle-Mineral-Supplement +3 times a day the sour aftertaste will catch up with you.


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