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Newport can you give more information on this? by jessesmom1987 ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)

Date:   4/28/2008 11:41:39 AM ( 17 y ago)
Hits:   1,031

>>>>I can say that most won't be able to know that they have lyme unless they start treatment for lyme first.

Can you give more information about that? What treatment, and how do you then know if it is Lyme?

>>>>Now if the pancreatic fluke is active and creates the EBVirus the flukes are all hidden from your immune system.
Same goes for f.Buski in the thymus and HIV, or Lyme..

So they wouldn't be picked up because they are hidden from the immune system (?) Do I remember reading, or that you've said someplace, that once the pancreatic fluke is gone, the EBV is also gone?

It was $650 for the blood testing when EBV was found, $1500 for the endoscopy when they did the biopsy and found the celiac, $400 more for another blood test to confirm it...All, now I know, fluke related. NO, I don't want to spend anymore money on going through the medical route to see if any progress has been made. That's why it has been in my mind to try to find the SCIO testing...don't even know how to go about finding a practitioner- and hopefully one that knew what they were doing. And what would be a ballpark figure to expect for cost if one was found?

Biofeedback/muscle testing...has proven to be very accurate through the Alt. Med. Dr. but there would be alot of people that would pooh-pooh it as being reliable.

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