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maybe a better article on tongue diagnosis by linenup ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)

Date:   4/13/2008 3:11:08 AM ( 17 y ago)
Hits:   3,174

for some reason the pics didn't post, so here is the link ::

HPS-online guided cleansing -

At we don't promote and we don't believe in diets, TREATMENTS, nor in quick fixes. Treating your health problems rather than totally eliminating them insures that your life will be problematic forever.

Treating health is for losers... most people are losers when it comes to health care. Treating a problem is good for big corporations as it keeps you coming back to them forever for more equipment, more drugs, more medications, more treatments, more herbal supplements, more kits, more books, more diets, more creams.

We have a different take on health care...different than most people.

In our books there is nothing to treat ... but rather ... clean out properly, clean up properly, heal properly, rejuvenate properly and whatever is bugging you will probably be gone forever and new problems, new things, won't arise. The emphasis is on PROPERLY. Allow us to show you how to.

Tongue self diagnosis

Which aperture of the body reflects the internal organs related to 
excretion and assimilation? Anus, urinary tract, ears, nose, or mouth?
Answer: Mouth.

Start looking at your tongue seriously.



Your tongue accurately reflects the state of your digestive system- from rectum to esophagus, including the stomach, small intestines, colon (large intestine), pancreas, spleen, liver and gall bladder. 

Imagine, you don't need a battery of tests to find out what part of your digestive tract is in stress. You can diagnosis the whole GI tract and corresponding organ integrity all in one easy view- just stick your tongue out.

As a whole the tongue reflects the condition of the digestive system and the organs associated with blood, nutrient assimilation, and excretion. You can also see how 'hot' or how 'cold' your internal organs are. Therefore it has a high value as a diagnostic tool.  

Specific sections of the tongue mirror the condition of particular parts of the digestive system and the digestion related internal organs.

The following correspondences exist in this relationship:

Start looking at your tongue seriously.







A- the tip area reflects the rectum and the descending colon.

B- the peripheral area reflects the large intestine.

C- the middle region corresponds to the small intestine.

D- the back edge region relates to the liver, gallbladder, duodenum, and pancreas.

E- the near back region corresponds to the stomach.

F- the back region ('the root of the tongue') reflects the esophagus.

G- the underside of the tongue reflects the quality of blood and lymph circulation in each corresponding area.

Structural characteristics

Like each particular area of the body, the tongue can be used to evaluate one's overall condition.

Zetsu Shin as it is called in Japanese, is one of the most important forms of diagnosis used in Chinese medicine. Two main aspects are considered in tongue diagnosis.

First is the structure of the tongue. Is it wide or narrow, thick or thin, pointed or rounded? Such qualities convey information concerning the individual's basic constitution and overall strengths and weaknesses of body and mind.




In comparison to structure, the condition of the tongue is influenced more by daily lifestyle and provides information about an individual's current state of health. Qualities to look for include:


The color on the underside of the tongue can also be used to determine the internal condition. In general, the colors and their indications listed above are the same, with the following exceptions:



Pimples or projections of the tongue's surface indicate the discharge of fat, protein, and sugar. Where in the body this discharge is coming from can be determined by the specific area of the tongue on which it appears. You can find the correlation between the areas of the tongue and the digestive tract.


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