I received the following email from a Native American man just this afternoon whom I have been corresponding with for the past several weeks. I have not yet taken the time to go through all the links, although I believe that there is vitally important information here that is relevant to everyone. I am not posting this email in order to illicit any debate. I am simply passing on information for you to do with as you wish.
My thoughts and prayers are for the healing of each and every one of us, and that we may all find our way back to our true essence of peace, love and happiness!
Please feel free to copy this post to other forums and to pass it on to others as you see fit.
Be well and all the best,
Begin Quiet Buck - Brushless Color email...
Hey all, had to use several tags so no one thought this was a spam email.
Some of you I talk to daily, weekly, yearly and some for not a long time. Here is an email I tossed together for 1 person and figured I would share it with many instead, as everyone needs to hear it. If any are repeats, sorry. But things are escalating at a fast rate. Jobs, friends, kids, going to work, nothing is more important than learning this info and getting ready. Because learning and preparing will protect those things you are now interested in.
If you have seen the movie Red Dawn from the 80's, it is about to come true. Along with 1984, the movie. If you understand the Mark of the Beast, realize that comes May 12th 2008 (some report it has been pushed till 2009 but no confirmation). As far as many know, that IS the Mark of the Beast, the Real ID aka National ID Card. This is only one of several marks that we can take to fall, others are mental marks.
If you are one to think things are conspiracy theories, you have not done your homework. I myself have spent the past 2 years and over 7500+ hours researching these topics and many others. Giving up my career and company in the process.
Even the World is screaming at us to wake up, many foreign papers and TV's are reporting things. These items I am sharing are but a few of the thousands of items you can and should be researching. The world as we know it, is about to end. I never dreamed this was coming, and I am sure you never did either. But reality is reality, we must face it head on.
Take this information to heart, pass it to all you know or toss it, your choice. I did my job by sharing it, now it is in your hands. More info is on my site,http://www.QuietBuck.com. As well as my play-lists on my YouTube channel (http://www.youtube.com/profile_play_list?user=QuietBuck), roughly 1000 videos. Plus Google, Wikipedia and a million other YouTube videos are waiting for you to learn and explore.
Good luck friends... it is going to get very ugly soon, real soon. If I never see you again in person, I was glad I met you and had the chance to know you. We all meet people for a reason...question is, do we realize that reason.
- Minister 'Quiet Buck' Roe
-------------- link dump ------------------------------------
Directive 51: Bush signed a Silent Directive on May 9th, 2007 MARTIAL LAW IF ANOTHER 9/11 HAPPENS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SruB9mDdGBM they are practicing now... ON US!
Raid! - Latter Day Saints - San Angelo, Texas Just like Waco, Just like Ruby Ridge, Just like it will happen to you This is an ex-cop, ex-social worker, ex-paramedic friend of mine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrcfvAgneh0
What is in space above us? 2008 This is a studio recording friend of mine, has, runs, produces his own studio for movies, music, etc. He has a room bigger than your living room as equipment alone Him and others have teamed up and are using high powered cameras and other items in attempts to find and figure out what is above us. These are only a few of many videos. We must assume these are black project items that will go along with the NWO Satellites, laser weapons, and other things we have heard over the last few decades. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rfz15VpHUxk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qm9Ni__htnM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ui_NFx4Q3Iw What you are seeing here is something in one of the moon craters. Notice all the other craters are smooth inside due to impact and fall dirt But some on the moon, have "something" in them, space stations? We know the military was in space, w/ stations PRIOR to the moon launch And we have not gone back to the moon in all this time... for some reason And now Bush is talking about funding a moon base, which I am sure is already built. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXJSoSvU44Q
Book of Enoch is approved in the bible by God himself in Hebrews 11:5. In Enoch 108:1-15, we read about Nibiru, and how it is the lake of fire to take the sinners as bible describes. Nibiru is also in the bible, by its actions. For it is what blocks the sun, makes the sky go red, stars to fall. Here is Book of Enoch link so you may read 108. I have the passages and this Enoch part on my web site under the Nibiru page. http://www.heaven.net.nz/writings/thebookofenoch.htm
Citizens Arrest Warrant for Bush and Cheney This is MILITARY SQUADRON 13 doing this Citizens Arrest This is not kids, this is not loonies. THIS IS YOUR VERY SOLDIERS SPEAKING UP LOUD AS THEIR OATH STATES THEY MUST DO! All Military need to read their oath again, it is to uphold the Constitution of the USA. NOT the President nor ANYONE else, ONLY that piece of paper. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTjyxI79rwc
FREE SPEECH IS DEAD ON YOUTUBE Just in the past few days, YouTube has changed their format. They are now tracking all messages, bulletins, shared videos. They are tracking this via email as now by law it is a legal document. We also have hate and terrorist laws on the book, meaning if you speak out, you are jailed. Now YouTube is TRACKING that very action. So you can be handed over later. This is BillyBobJoe, an Airplane Pilot that is off now for heart issues. He has done nothing wrong, at all, in no shape or form, yet YouTube shut him down Cause he spoke truth http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzdU8JacPAg
The Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques (abbreviated ENMOD Convention) is a 1976 international treaty prohibiting the military or other hostile use of environmental modification techniques. It entered into force on October 5, 1978. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convention_on_the_Prohibition_of_Military_or_Any...
Operation Popeye Operation Popeye (Operation Intermediary / Operation Compatriot) was a US military cloud seeding project (running from March 20, 1967 until July 5, 1972) during the Vietnam war to extend the monsoon season over North Vietnam, specifically the Ho Chi Minh Trail. The operation seeded Vietnamese clouds with silver iodide, resulting in the targeted areas seeing an extension of the monsoon period an average of 30 to 45 days. As the continuous rainfall slowed down the truck traffic, it was considered relatively successful.[1] The 54th Weather Reconnaissance Squadron carried out the operation to "make mud, not war.
Senator claiborne pell,U.S Senate Inetigence Committe member, commenting on a USA/USSR treaty signed in 1978 said: Now that we can control the weather, create earthquakes and tidal waves and use it as a weapon of war we do not need a treaty.