Re: Multiple spider dreams.....what does this mean? by Blue Eyes ..... Dreams Interpreting Forum
Date: 4/9/2008 11:50:22 AM ( 17 y ago)
Hits: 11,088
The spiders will represent an emotional aspect of yourself from which comes a very particular inclination or motivation.
We usually associate spiders with the idea of building webs and trapping unsuspecting victims in them. Thus based on the function that God gave the spider, we can relate the spider with the idea of self deception. The web is “the web of illusion” into which aspects of the self (the unsuspecting victims) have fallen. The spider can be regarded as a feeling of deceiving yourself about some issue or situation.
Most women seem to fear spiders. For any female who is supposed to know their feelings well, nothing is more scary than to think they could be fooling them self in some situation.
On a physical level of interpretation, the spider can represent a person who gives the impression of being deceptive or untrustworthy.
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