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Re: Detailed directions on sprouting almonds, please! by chili pepper ..... Raw Food: The Vegetarian/Vegan

Date:   4/8/2008 10:38:47 PM ( 17 y ago)
Hits:   23,657


When you see a recipe that calls for "sprouted" almonds: Soak them overnight, and then let them sit for about 4 or 5 hours in a bowl, or collander (this will allow the water to drain). This will release the enzyme inhibitor and allow the almonds to be more digestible and allow their nutrients and enzymes to be available when you eat them. However, almonds don't actually get tails or sprouts as do seeds. They just get a bit more plump. I usually soak them, allow them to "sprout" and then put them in the dehydrator for about a day. (unless I am using them in a recipe.) This keeps them fresher to snack on. I do keep them in the fridge after that. I have tried keeping them in the fridge with out dehydrating them, but then they can get moldy more quickly. I also love the crunchy texture of the dehydrated almonds.

YES. RAW almonds are now outlawed in our country. It is supposedly because of a samonilla that was found in some almonds last year, but the REAL reason is because the bigger industralized farms can afford to do the pasturazation of the nuts, and the smaller farms can't afford to do it. So it effectively puts them off the market.

For those of us who eat raw food, this is a tremendous loss, as almonds are a staple.

I bought about 50 lbs of RAW almonds last Septmeber, which is when this new law went into effect. I put them in the freezer. But when those are gone, I do not know where to get raw almonds anymore. You might be able to still get some now, from last years crop. If so, I'd get some and put them in your freezer while you still can.

This is a horrible thing that our govt has done. It is all about PROFIT.

Chili pepper.


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