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Re: raw cacao? white or brown? where to buy? by HealingWaters ..... Raw Food Debate Forum

Date:   4/8/2008 7:34:10 PM ( 17 y ago)
Hits:   3,566

Hummmm, Jacob I have been a Raw Vegan for few years and I have never heard that true cacao is suppose to be white and that if the beans are brown they are roasted. False information. I should know I personally know one of the first Cacao gurus in the Raw World...David Wolfe. In fact he has cacao powder, nibs, cookies, candy and the whole nine yards here:

David has all kinds of literature on the orgins of cacao and it's healing properties. And yes the cacao he has is totally Raw. Also if you are near a health food store WholeFood etc. they should have it also. If not ask them to order it for you.


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