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Re: Optimal Health press by #94535 ..... MMS - Miracle Mineral Solution Debate

Date:   4/6/2008 3:45:23 AM ( 17 y ago)
Hits:   6,155

why does some one not get jim to tell us exactly what safety data sheets are available given all the profits he is putting in his pockets.

all you mms supporters know that the master would not tell the flock lies, even to benefit his own dedication to the human race humble that it may be!!

sorry i forgot its all done this way to stop that secret government plots, that exist in most non 3 world countries to prevent people from harming others more so than themselves.

humbles disclaimer actual should make him more guilty in legal terms

same as warning for dog loose if it bites someone your 2 times more guilty because you where aware of issues
kick that one arround for a while hopefully we have some real legal people here too

sorry no colours like bruce did


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